Sure red meat is bad for health? This is the fact

Often associated with various health disorders, are you sure that red meat is as bad as it is for health? See the fact here.

Consumption of red meat is often associated with various health disorders, such as cancer and heart disease. However, the fact is that red meat is really that bad for health?

Because it relates to the risk of a particular disease, not a few people refuse to consume it. In fact, some decided to stop consuming it altogether with better health expectations.
Sure red meat is bad for health? This is the fact | GOLELY

Red meat is one of the animal protein sources consumed by the world population. I called Red meat because it contains a lot of myoglobin, which is a protein-rich in iron rather than white meat. Red meat generally comes from cows, goats, and so on.

Origin of bad image red meat

One of the bad effects of red meat that is often preached is the increased risk of cancer.

Research does prove the presence of red meat consumption relationship with the emergence of cancer (especially colon cancer). But research has not been able to actually prove that the consumption of red meat is the cause of cancer.

The World Health Agency report (WHO) in 2015 concluded, red meat ' only ' may be carcinogenic.

Apparently, the red meat type and how to process it is quite a role in causing bad health effects.

Processed red meat – such as sausages, corned beef, or bacon, tends to be higher in salt and fat, so it is considered less healthy than raw red meat. WHO reports, there is insufficient evidence to conclude that processed red meat can increase the risk of cancer.

The process of processing red meat, especially those cooked at high temperatures, also seems bad for health.

This processing, for example by burning, can cause the emergence of substances polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHS) and heterocyclic aromatic aminase (HAA) that potentially cause cancer.

Nevertheless, do not rush to throw red meat stocks at home! Because red meat also has a nutrient content that is good for the body.

The nutritional content of red meat that should not be ignored

Although much bad news circulated about red meat, the fact that this food source is very rich in nutrients. Red meat is an excellent source of protein. Approximately 25-30 percent of its weight is protein.

Furthermore, protein in red meat contains all the essential amino acids that can not be formed by the body itself, which can only be obtained from food intake.

In addition to protein, there are still many nutrients that nourish red meat. For example vitamin B3, B12, zinc, and selenium.

Red meat is also a good source of iron and is an easy-to-absorb iron than the source of iron from plants. This makes the red meat well consumed by women, which tends to lack iron so that it can cause anemia.

Consumption of red meat is also associated with longer satiety, good muscle life, as well as strong bones.

To get the best benefit from red meat while reducing its adverse effects, you can still consume it in a number that is not excessive.

Choose fresh red meat and avoid processed red meat. Choose also fresh red meat pieces with minimal fat or no fat.

How to consume red meat recommended

For processing, avoid cooking red meat with high temperatures. While cooking, the meat can be also often flipped. If possible, avoid direct exposure between the heat source and the meat (indirect heat).

When going to eat it, remove the blackened parts in the cooking process. Also, combine red meat with healthy complementary foods. For example many vegetables or nuts.

Although confidence can have a bad impact on health, the fact that red meat is rich in nutrients needed by the body. What you need to look at is the selection of fresh meat and minimal fat and how to cook it to get the best benefit from the source of the animal protein.

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