Besides chicken soup, it's a good food consumed when the Flu

Apparently, many foods are equally good to be consumed when the flu is quick to recover.

When exposed to the flu, in addition to resting and possibly taking medication to relieve symptoms, many people are only eating chicken soup to accelerate recovery. But in addition to soups, many other food options are equally good to consume during the flu.

Please note that when the flu strikes, the consumption of drugs that are sold free effect is only temporary. Until now no medication can prevent the flu completely or shorten its duration.

Besides chicken soup, it's a good food consumed when the Flu | GOLELY

Effectiveness of chicken soup to treat flu

In addition to drugs, the fastest and easiest reinforcements actually come from what you eat. Traditional food-based medicines, such as chicken soup, can be a good source of nutrition while being flu.

Chicken soup is believed to be a source of vitamins, minerals, calories, and proteins that are easy to make and consume. It is the nutrients that the body needs in larger quantities when you are sick.

Chicken soup is also an excellent source of fluid and electrolytes, both of which are necessary for hydration. Because if fever, the body will need more fluid. What's more, there is the research finding that chicken soup contains cysteine amino acids, namely N-acetyl cysteine.

N-acetyl cysteine is a form of cysteine that breaks down mucus and has antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects. The ability of chicken soup is what can be the reason why the food is very effective to relieve some flu symptoms.

Besides chicken soup, this food is also well consumed when the flu

Not only chicken soup, in fact, but some other food choices have similar efficacy if consumed during the flu. What are you?

1. Citrus

Surely you already know that to protect against flu, the need for daily vitamin C must be fulfilled.

Research shows that consuming many dietary sources of vitamin C when early flu symptoms appear can shorten the duration of the flu. Vitamin C can be obtained from oranges, lemons, and limes.

2. Vegetable salad

Green vegetables such as spinach, kale many contain vitamins, minerals, and fibers. This vegetable is an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, and folate.

Vegetables act as an antioxidant to protect cells from damage and help fight inflammation. Also, vegetables have antibacterial properties, so it is fitting to eat during the flu.

3. Garlic

Onions have been used as a medicinal herb for centuries and have demonstrated antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal effects by stimulating the immune system.

Some research suggests that garlic consumption can improve immune function and reduce the severity of the flu. So not only can enrich the taste of food, but the addition of garlic in the meal menu can also help the body fight flu symptoms.

4. Peppers or chili Peppers

Like citrus, peppers or red chili peppers are also rich in vitamin C. One cup of red chili pepper (about 80 grams) contains approximately 100 mg of vitamin C.

Eating foods that contain chili pepper or paprika can stimulate the nerve receptors of the secretory glands, triggering a fluid release that can make the eye watery and nasal flow.

Peppers or red chili peppers can help to dilute the slime, cleanse the sinus and resist irritation during the flu.

5. Fish

Fish, including salmon, tuna, and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are compounds that help reduce inflammation in the body.

Inflammation can make the immune system not working properly and make the body more susceptible to disease, one of the flu.

In a study, people who consumed fish and fish oil supplements for three months had lower levels of inflammation, resulting in better immunity. Also, fish contains vitamin D which also aids in the immune system.

In addition to chicken soup, that's some foods that are nutritionally good for consumption during the flu. Some act as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and also to dilute slime. For optimal recovery, be sure to keep your body hydrating and resting enough, yes!

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