Not just sprouts, tomatoes also beneficial for fertility

You can also consume tomatoes regularly to maintain and improve fertility. This is proof!

Sprouts are popular as food that closely relates to fertility. However, the nutritional content of tomatoes is also no less good to maintain and improve fertility.

Tomatoes are famous as foods containing high antioxidants. No wonder, many people who consume it to avoid the risk of cancer, stroke, and heart attack. In fact, the benefits of tomatoes more than that, namely can help increase the fertility of men.
Not just sprouts, tomatoes also beneficial for fertility | GOLELY

Evidence that tomatoes can increase male fertility

This was evidenced by the research conducted by the University of Portsmouth, USA, and published in the "British Journal of Urology" in 2008 ago. Studies have reported that the lycopene or bright red substance on tomatoes can improve sperm quality.

The research was conducted on 6 healthy men aged 40 years. They are given instructions to consume tomato soup every day for 2 consecutive weeks. As a result, an increase in sperm quality up to 7-12 percent.

Not only that, but another study was done by Cleveland Clinic also got similar results. In this study, it was reported that antioxidant lycopene was able to ward off free radicals that were formed due to unhealthy food consumption. Yes, men who eat unhealthy food, high in calories, or many fats, will experience a decrease in the quality of sperm.

When consumed regularly, lycopene can increase sperm count by up to 70 percent. In addition to the nimble movements and perfect shape, many numbers are also included in aspects that determine the quality of the sperm.

The two research results are also supported by the results of research conducted by a team of researchers from the University of Sheffield, England. They proved that lycopene could actually help improve sperm quality, accelerate sperm movement, and reduce DNA damage.

Tomato consumption Tips to get a health benefit

To maximize the benefits of tomato in terms of improving fertility, you are encouraged to consume it after processing. According to the research published in the journal "Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention", consuming cooked tomatoes can reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men up to 19 percent.

The study mentioned that the process of heating tomatoes for 15 minutes can increase the level of lycopene to 170 percent. Because when cooked, the moisture content in tomatoes will be reduced, so the concentration of lycopene is increasing.

Thus, do the findings not recommend the consumption of raw tomatoes? Not too. The same research mentions that men who consume raw tomatoes routinely experience a decrease in the risk of prostate cancer by 11 percent.

Also, the consumption of raw tomatoes can provide a fairly high supply of vitamin C, so that the immune system will increase.

Other factors determining male fertility

Keeping the male fertility is certainly more than just having to routinely eat tomatoes.  There are several determinants of the fertility of men, physical, psychological, and environmental.

1. Stress

There was a medical study in 2002 that found that male infertility was associated with stress and burnout on the job. Stress and depressive conditions can lead to erectile dysfunction as well as decreased quality and sperm quantity. To prevent this, men should be able to manage stress well.

2. Diet

Diet is another important factor that plays an important role in determining the fertility of men.

Avoid alcohol because it can have a bad impact on fertility, as well as sweet foods, or foods containing carbohydrates and high fat such as junk food.

These foods increase the risk of metabolic diseases such as obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and diabetes. Metabolic diseases can affect fertility due to its effect on hormonal balance and cause damage to blood vessels, including blood vessels in the penis.

Consequently, within a long period, there was erectile dysfunction and impairment of sperm count and quality.

The recommended diet is that contains proteins, essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and some important minerals such as selenium and zinc. The nutrients are important to support the amount, morphology (shape), and motility (movement) of the sperm cells.

3. Exercise and Fitness

Regular exercise will improve physical fitness, prevent obesity, lower blood sugar levels, blood pressure, bad cholesterol levels, and relieve stress. All of that will eventually increase the fertility of men.

However, it is important to note that too heavy and excessive exercise can also hurt fertility. So, a good sport is not done excessively.

4. Habits and lifestyle factors

Habits like a smoking habit, wearing too tight panties, and hot water soak also negatively affect the quality and quantity of sperm.

5. Environmental factors

Environmental factors that can also affect sperm conditions e.g. air pollution, the chlorine content in swimming pools, and radiation.

To maintain and improve the fertility of men, tomatoes can be one of the foods in your healthy menu. Also, take note of other factors that can affect male fertility, ranging from stress control, balanced nutritious healthy diet, regular exercise, non-smoking and drinking alcohol, do not often wear tights, as well as Protect against exposure to pollution, radiation, and harmful chemicals.

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