4 How to remove scars easily
Scars that turn into a scar can, of course, decrease confidence. Here's a powerful easy way to eliminate them.
The presence of a shield in the skin can certainly ruin the appearance, thereby lowering the level of one's self-confidence. Not only that, when cured, the scar generally still leaves a blackened scar. The good news, there is a way of treatment that can be done to help remove the former scars.
The scar is a natural reaction of the body to protect the area of the injured skin from the possibility of skin infections or wounds. A Coreng scar is a natural part of the healing process.
Scars are formed from scraped blood and protein and form a plaque. This plaque will later serve to protect wounds during the healing process. Koreng itself is going to peel itself, although it takes a long time.
How to remove the former scab
To accelerate the healing process and eliminate the former scars, several ways can be done, among others:
- Compress with a warm towel
Compressing the scoring with a towel or warm cloth can increase blood flow to the scar. If blood flow increases, the oxygen supply will also increase.
Adequate oxygen intake in the blood can stimulate the cells around the wound to heal faster. The sooner the wound is healed, the faster the scab peels off and the rinse can disappear in the not too long time.
You can prepare a hot water basin and soak a soft towel in it for a few seconds. Towel squeezed, then place it on the wound or Coreng for 2-5 minutes. Do this way twice a day for a few days. Look at the changes to your wounds.
- Avoid peeling
You need to understand that a scab will cause tremendous itching. It's no wonder that some people feel "triggered", can't resist to scratch or peel off the hand. Don't get scratched or intentionally shuffle.
The peeling of the scars intentionally or not can make the former shorthand so the longer to recover. Besides, it can also make wounds worse because the skin underneath is not ready. When the scars are forced to lose, the new skin underneath is attracted and the blister returns.
- Keep the wound clean
Keeping the wound area clean can avoid you from disease-causing infections. Infections that enter the shield can inhibit the healing process and worsening the wound conditions you have previously had.
If the scar is exposed to dust or dirt from the outside, immediately wipe it by using running water or water that has been mixed with soft soap. Both can kill the germs of disease.
- Apply Cream
If the scar is new and not too deep, you can apply a cream that contains 2 percent hydroquinone that is sold on the market.
The 2 percent Hydroquinone cream is included in safe dosages, and its use should be precise only on the scar alone. Use the cream at night.
The four ways above can be your guide to help accelerate healing and eliminate the former Coreng. Without doing any action, the former black as a result of a scab can generally disappear on its own. It's just that it will take quite a while.