How to overcome blackened itching scars due to carded

Blackened itching scars because it is carded can reduce the beauty of the skin. Don't be left, here's a powerful way to overcome it.

When the skin is itchy, the first reaction certainly is scratching until itchy disappears or until satisfied. Rather than subside, the itching is increasingly itching and expanding, so it leaves scars blackened. Because it can make the skin look seamless, you should know how to handle it properly.

How to overcome blackened itching scars due to carded | GOLELY

Itching? Don't be carded!

If itchy, as much as possible, do not scratch excessively, even to use sharp objects. Pity, dong, your skin!

According to a study conducted by the University of Washington in St. Louis, United States, scratching will precisely release serotonin hormones in the brain. The itching will even become more. In the end, a cycle of itching will be progressively worsening or expanding.

Also, scratching will cause trauma to the skin, which will further damage the skin's defenses. The damage to the skin's upper layer will further make the skin prone to infections, wounds, and loss of moisture.

Instead of being carded, you could use a cold compress on the area that is itching. Do not use hot water compresses because it will make your skin more itchy or irritated. 

You can also give the powder or whipped powder that contains menthol or calamine to relieve itching and give a cold sensation.

How to overcome black scars due to carded

If you have already blackened itching in the skin, there are several ways to help overcome it.

Basic handling of blackened scars usually uses cream, exfoliation or chemical peeling, microdermabrasion, or laser.

Some of these ways can disguise, diluting, even removing scars. The selection of treatment will usually be adjusted to the size of hyperpigmentation and the length of your scar has occurred.

If the scar is new and not too deep, you can apply a cream containing 2 percent hydroquinone which is widely sold in the market.

The cream is included in safe dosages. Nevertheless, its use should be precise only on scars and applied at night.

Treat Skin Well

Although blackened scars on the skin can be quite annoying, you don't need to worry. The reason, the former can disappear on its own as time goes by. Most importantly, don't forget to take care of the skin.

One way is to keep the skin clean, including the blackened area. This can be done by:
  • Choose bath Soap that contains a lot of moisturizer with little foam
  • Use moisturizers when you need to take a bath
  • Avoid using antiseptic-containing soap as it will make the skin drier

Another thing to do is to keep the blackened area from being swiped. Avoid using clothing that is too tight for daily activities. If the same area is back itching, try not to scratch it.

Scratching is allowed, but you must know the tips are safe doing it, namely:
  • Do not scratch using nails. Instead of scratching, you are more advised to scrub, forge, or hold or press tightly the area that is itching. You can also pinch the itching area.
  • Keep the nails short so that the nails do not hurt the skin when scratching. If necessary, wear gloves to protect your skin while sleeping.
  • Avoid itching triggers, such as wool-made sweaters, hot rooms, certain cleaning products, or other allergens.
  • Cold compresses or cold baths can relieve a complaint of itching.
  • Keep skin moisturizers with warm water for too long, use a gentle, unscented cleanser and don't forget to routinely use lotions at least once a day to "soothe" itchy skin.

These are some of the ways that can help overcome blackened itchy scars because they are carded. Better yet if you stop excessive scratching habits when the skin is itchy. Do the tips above so that the action scratched no longer leaves any scars.

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