The right way to solve eye pain in children

Your child's eye pain? Don't rush panic and worry. Do this to resolve it.

Children are not separated from the threat of sore eyes. If the child is experiencing this condition, the elderly will be immediately worried and want to overcome it immediately. In addition to treating, overcoming eye pain in children early on also aims to prevent more harmful complications.

The right way to solve eye pain in children | GOLELY

Eye pain or conjunctivitis is usually characterized by complaints of red, watery and sore eyes. In children, this condition can occur as a result of:

  • Infection

Red or watery eyes are most often caused by infections, either by bacteria or viruses. 

Symptoms of a concomitant that can occur in this condition are swollen eyes and the discharge of solid-shaped eye impurities. Eye pain due to infection can be infectious.

  • Allergies

In children who are allergic, exposure to pollen, dust, and smoke of the vehicle can trigger eye pain. 

Symptoms of a common occurrence, including a cold or a count of itching, sneezing, nasal congestion, and pain in the ear canal.

Tips for overcoming eye pain in children

The way of overcoming eye pain in children varies considerably. When the case is mild, you can treat it with home remedies such as the following:

  • Gentle massage around the eyes

Watery eye symptoms indicate that tear drains are being clogged. Therefore, the way that can be done to help overcome it is with a massage.

The way, massage the outside of the child's nose (from the eye to corner of the nose) with a clean index finger. Give a rather strong pressure during the massage process.

  • Warm Compress

Attach a warm compress to the sick child's eye. This can help clean your eyes and provide comfort to your child's organ of vision. 

However, if an eye pain in a child is heavy or does not have a home treatment, immediately take it to the doctor. Moreover, when the beginning of the symptoms of eye pain in children accompanied by the following complaints:
  • Widespread inflammation and redness
  • Eye impurities that are yellow or green
  • Great pain
  • Changes in eye structure or eyelid
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Excessive itching to make the child often check the eyes 

Eye pain in children requires medical treatment, especially if there is an infection, tear or symptom of the accompanying. 

In this case, the doctor will usually give a topical treatment with an ointment or eye drops, orally, or even intravenously in the hospital. The doctor may also recommend the eye rinsing procedure with saline fluid to clean the buildup of dirt in the child's eye.

If the therapy is still not able to cope with the eye pain in the child until complete, the doctor may recommend Nasolacrimal channel inspection. This procedure is performed by inserting a small probe through the child's tear ducts to the nose to spread the part. 

Do not find trivial eye pain in children. Although it can heal by itself, this condition still needs to be given therapy so as not to arise complications. Immediately take the little one medication to the doctor to get the right treatment.

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