Surefire Tips Prevents Office sleepiness

For more productive work, find out the sleepy-preventing tips in the office below.

Few people sacrifice their time at night to work to meet their targets. As a result of drowsiness during the day – when the time to work in the office is inevitable. Tips to prevent sleepy taste in the office.

Surefire Tips Prevents Office sleepiness | GOLELY

Start by picking the right breakfast 

The wrong breakfast Menu can cause the body to feel limber and make you sleepy all day long.

Rice and fried foods are not the best food to enter in your breakfast menu. This type of food is risky to make you sleepy because it contains high carbohydrates. 

Choose a complex carbohydrate if you want a filling menu but healthy in the morning. Complex carbohydrates are harder to digest, which will make you feel fuller and energized during the day. For example wheat bread, granola, or oatmeal.

You'd rather start the day with a sweet meal? No problem. You can include smoothies made from fresh fruits and vegetables in your breakfast menu. But, avoid donuts and sweet foods with other artificial sugars.

Drinking enough white water during the day 

Lack of fluid, especially with hot air conditions such as today, can indeed increase the risk of dehydration.

One of the effects that arise when a person is dehydrated is excessive cravings and the body feels very weak.

To prevent the risks that arise from dehydration, be sure to meet the needs of fluid intake, by drinking at least 8 glasses per day. Drinking water is also proven to relieve the throat and reduce the taste of sleepy in the daytime. Provide cold water or cool water to refresh your sleepy body. 

Power Nap 

A short nap or power nap is another way that can be done to overcome the taste of sleepy in the office. You can take advantage of the afternoon time to do a power nap in the clock, or on the sidelines of work if your work is not much.

A power nap is known to improve memory, boost work performance, and improve your mood while you're in the office.

During the day, the brain tends to lack oxygen, making it difficult to concentrate on working. With a nap, the oxygen in the brain will return fully — which in turn can help the brain return to focus. 

In addition to overcoming sleepy flavors, a power nap can also increase alertness while it is working. Not only that, but this activity is also beneficial to relieve stress and improve the immune system. 


Try to occasionally get off the table. You can take a drink to the dispenser, greet a friend to his desk, buy snacks in the cafeteria, or breathe fresh air outside the office for a moment.

The same sitting position for a long time can not only cause sore muscles and stiffness but also make you sleepy. That is why you need to move and get from your seat every few moments.

Keep Sleep quality 

In addition to the four ways above, the other most potent way to prevent a sense of sleepy happening while at work is to maintain sleep quality. 

Adults should sleep at least 7-8 hours per day. At least, sleep for six hours. Besides proved to be able to prevent the taste of sleepy coming in the daytime, having enough sleep time can also improve the quality of life of one.

If all five of the above have not yet prevented the taste of sleepy while in the office, try to consult a doctor about the conditions that are being encountered. It is not possible that there is no other disease that causes you to be sleepy, even if you get enough sleep time.

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