How to keep skin dry in the middle of hot weather

The heat of the weather can cause your skin to dry and peel. Find out how to prevent dry skin in hot weather like this.

Having damp and healthy skin is certainly the dream of everyone. But unfortunately, the hot weather can affect the moisture of the skin. As a result, the skin is dry. Therefore, you must know some ways to cope with dry skin.

How to keep skin dry in the middle of hot weather | GOLELY

Causes of dry skin

In the medical world, dry skin is referred to as xerosis Kurtis or asteatosis. This condition will make the skin feel rough and scaly. The incidence rate of dry skin will increase as age increases.

Some of the most frequently seen dry spots are the skin of the dry bone parts, the lower part of the pelvis, and the rear axillary lines. However, in more severe cases, dry skin will also be visible on the face.

Regarding the cause, dry skin can be triggered by external and internal factors.

Environmental factors, for example, are caused by weather, very hot and dry air, often in an air-conditioned room, and wearing clothes that are too tight. While internal factors are triggered by the presence of allergies, certain skin diseases, kidney disease and also HIV. 

Prevent dry skin in the heat of the weather

The heat of the weather is one of the many external factors that cause the skin to become dry. To prevent the skin from drying quickly in hot weather, some of these ways you can do this: 

1. Use sunscreen and sunblock

To prevent dry skin in the heat of Jakarta, the first step that can be done is to protect the skin from exposure to sunlight. Using sunscreen to protect the skin from exposure to sunlight is one of the mandatory things. 

Sunblock works by forming a protective coating on the skin's surface, thereby blocking ultraviolet rays from the sun from reaching the skin. There is also a sunscreen, which can form a layer that absorbs ultraviolet rays before the rays reach the skin. 

In addition to preventing dry skin, the use of both ingredients can also prevent you from deadly diseases, such as skin cancer. 

2. Drink water 

Moisturize the skin is not only done from the outside but also from the inside. Drinking enough water can keep the skin hydrated so that dry skin problems can also be prevented.

Please be at least eight cups water per day or equivalent to 2 liters. 

3. Avoid bathing with too hot water temperature

Not allowed to bathe with warm water. However, it is good if, in weather conditions like this, you stop the habit of bathing with warm water.

The combination of dry weather with warm water temperature can exacerbate your skin condition. 
The skin that was once not dry, can turn dry and even exfoliate. 

If you still want a warm shower because it is accustomed, make sure that the water you use temperature about 1 degree above the body temperature, which is 38 degrees Celsius. On top of that, your skin can become increasingly dry because hot water can remove natural oils from the skin.

4. Do the nurse from inside 

Apart from outside treatment, you can also do the inside treatment to cope with dry skin. One of them is to consume foods that contain vitamin E.

Because dry skin can occur due to exposure to high free radicals and vitamin E has antioxidants to cry.

Keeping the skin from drying is not easy, in hot weather such as Jakarta today. However, armed with the above information, it is not impossible to keep your skin awake even in the scorching weather. Let's try!

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