Overcoming the nose compressed when the Flu is not difficult, do 5 ways to do this!

When the flu, a compressed nasal complaint often arises and interferes with breathing. Overcome it is not difficult, your origin practiced this way.

A compressed or clogged nose often occurs when a person is a cold, flu, sinusitis or an allergy (rhinitis). Breathing is difficult, even until it interferes with sleep time. Is there a powerful way to solve it?
Overcoming the nose compressed when the Flu is not difficult, do 5 ways to do this | GOLELY

Don't worry, there are a few ways you can go back to launching a compressed nose.

1. Compress with a warm towel

You can compress the nose and the surrounding area (such as the forehead) with a warm compress.

Besides being able to melt mucus in the nose so it is easy to come out, the warm compresses performed on the forehead can also relieve the symptoms of headaches during flu.

You can use a small towel or a washcloth dipped in warm water, soaking it, then put it on your nose and forehead. Do this method several times a day for the slime to melt and can easily be removed.

2. Give a massage

To relieve nasal congestion, you can also massage gently the facial area, especially the forehead and cheek areas. The massage will improve circulation and help relieve the pain caused by mucus that clogs the inside of the nose.

You can do a massage with the index finger, then massage the edges of the nose for 15-20 seconds, then repeat a few times until the massaged parts feel better and the slime slowly begins to soften. You can also massage the cheek area with your middle finger and index finger. Put both fingers on the edge of the nose, then gently drag the finger from the nose but towards the bottom of the eyelid.

3. Consumption of foods and beverages warm

When you are eating a warm meal and drink, your head will generally move forward. Such movements or positions are believed to melt mucus.

Also, steam from food or hot beverages, such as soup or ginger tea, can help to improve circulation in the nose.

Nutritious foods such as soups can give a positive emotional suggestive effect, making the body more relaxed and mind quieter.

During the flu, patients are often advised to consume warm and soft foods until they feel better. Food or cold drinks can exacerbate the compressed conditions, especially if the patient has a cold allergy.

4. Inhaling warm steam

No need to use advanced steam tools like the one in the hospital. You can use the steam produced from the hot water poured into the basin.

Cover the head with a towel, then guide your head toward the basin for a few minutes and breathe as usual. This is a very powerful way to overcome the problem of compressed during the flu.

5. Turn off the AC and indoor fan

Breathing in a warm and humid place is an effective way to cope with a compressed nose. This can relieve swelling in the nose vein and dilute the mucus in the sinus.

Avoid sitting or sleeping in an AIR-conditioned and under-fan. The wind that is embossed can make the nose more inflamed and the problem is compressed so the worse.

6. Apply this technique!

Quoted from the Women's Day page, the first way you can do is to press the palate with the tip of the tongue. Then, release the tongue and press the dots between the eyebrows with the index finger and middle finger. Repeat for approximately 20 seconds.

If it doesn't work yet, try the other way: position the head slightly backward, then pinch both outsides of the nostril with your fingers, then hold your breath as long as you can. Pull your head forward when you exhale.

How, how to overcome a compressed nose when experiencing influenza, colds, or allergic reactions is not difficult, right? If the above-the-top or less-compressive complaints are more frequent or intense, it is recommended to consult an ENT specialist. The doctor will provide appropriate treatment according to the cause of nasal congestion.

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