How to overcome insomnia again after waking up in the middle of the night

Hard to fall asleep again after waking up in the middle of the night is annoying. Overcome this way.

Sleeping at night is an important activity for the body to have adequate rest. Unfortunately, not a few people are experiencing sleep disturbances, such as waking up at night. To be asleep is not easy. If you're a frequent one, check out these articles to know how to fix them.

How to overcome insomnia again after waking up in the middle of the night | GOLELY

Do this to easily fall asleep back

As long as it is done right, back asleep after waking up in the middle of the night is not a difficult thing.

1. Find out why you woke up at night

Finding out the cause is the first step you should take. If you are often awake as a result of urination, then avoid drinking water one to two hours before you want to sleep.

If you are waking up often due to insomnia, one way to overcome it is to avoid stress and to have a relaxing moment at night.

Many factors could underlie insomnia, such as stress, anxiety, depression, irregular sleep schedules, jet lag, up to a consumption of certain medications or coffee.

Another cause that may make you so often awakened is a problem of sleep apnea, a condition characterized by the presence of blockages in the upper respiratory tract when sleeping. Within a certain time, this blockage can wake you up from sleep.

If sleep apnea is a condition that you wake up often in the middle of the night, then the solution is to go to the doctor to get the proper medication and therapy.

2. Set the room atmosphere

Having a room with a comfortable atmosphere is another key for you to sleep well.

In fact, when you wake up at night, take a look and feel the comfortable room atmosphere can make you go back to sleep in a snap.

So, it is important to keep the room temperature cool (not too cold and not too hot). Do this every day.

Also, when sleeping, we recommend that the lighting in the room is also set to be darker or dimly lit. So there is no reflection of light that can interfere with your sleep.

You have fear of the dark? Quiet! You can attach a table lamp or decorative lamp as the lighting source. So you will get the dimly lit.

3. Set the sleep pattern

Everything that is done consistently, will definitely be a habit. This also applies to bedtime.

For example, if you wake up often at night, try not to sleep during the day or sleep too quickly at night. If you make this habit constantly, then waking up at night can be avoided.

4. Avoid caffeine

In addition to avoiding drinking an hour of white water up to two hours before bedtime, you should also not drink high caffeine-containing beverages before bedtime.

Besides making you go back and forth to the bathroom, drinking caffeine at night can also improve the heart work system. Consequently, the heart is beating and working harder than it should be. No wonder if you so woke up, even until it could not sleep again until morning.

5. Avoid your Smartphone

When you wake up in the middle of the night, your smartphone may be one of the items you are looking for. Then, when you play your phone, your mind gets distracted and makes your eyes feel fresh.

If the above ways still cannot overcome your distress to fall asleep back after waking up in the middle of the night, consult a doctor to get the right solution. If you find other diseases or disorders, you can also give your doctor the right treatment.

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