Want to prevent Stroke? Do 5 ways
Prevent better than cure. Find out an easy way to prevent your stroke disease from attacking you.
Not only threatens middle-aged people but now strokes are also targeted at youth. Therefore, efforts to prevent stroke should be done as early as possible. If it is too late, even death paralysis can become a threat.
Stroke is a condition in which the blood flow to the brain stops suddenly, so that brain cells lack oxygen to function and can lead to death. The strokes themselves are divided into two, ischemic strokes and hemorrhagic strokes.
An ischemic stroke is a stroke that occurs because the blood vessels to the brain are experiencing sudden obstruction. While hemorrhagic stroke is a stroke that occurs because the blood vessels rupture and cause bleeding in the brain.
Note that hemorrhagic strokes are a more dangerous stroke and require immediate treatment. This is because bleeding in the brain can cause pressure in the brain to increase and risk death.
Tips Preventing stroke
However, whether it is a hemorrhagic stroke or ischemic stroke, both can be prevented with some easy things, following the prevention:
1. Keep your weight steady
Having an excess body weight alias obesity can pose some complications, including diabetes, blood pressure, height, and stroke. Losing weight as much as 3-5 kg can lower the risk of stroke in sufferers.
The most ideal body mass index is not up to 25, so try to keep it stable under 25 or at least remain at number 25. Avoid also consuming more than 1,500 calories per day.
The way to calculate the body mass index is the weight (kg)/(body height x height (m)). If the number of fewer than 18 means you are thin. Meanwhile, the number 18-25 means normal, 25-30 excess weight, 30-35 is obesity I, and 35-40 obesity II.
2. Frequent Sports
Regular exercise can significantly help lose weight. This in the end also contributes to lowering blood pressure and preventing stroke occurrence. Experts recommend that at least every person does a workout at least 30 minutes each day.
If you're too busy working, you can shorten your workout session to 10-15 minutes. With notes, exercise is done more than once a day.
3. Make sure blood pressure remains normal
High blood pressure is a factor that can increase the risk of stroke in patients. Therefore, conducting regular blood pressure checks is important for you to be aware of the possible risks.
Also, make sure your blood pressure is less than 135/85 mmHg or 140/90 mm Hg each time checking. You can keep your blood pressure normal by reducing your daily salt intake (not more than 1,500 mg in a day). Avoid also high cholesterol foods such as processed products, canned food, and junk food. Don't forget, consume 4-5 cups of fruits and vegetables every day.
4. Quit smoking
Nicotine content in cigarettes can accelerate blood clotting in the body. Blood that thickens due to cigarette can increase the amount of plaque buildup in the arteries causing blood to be clogged. The brain also does not get enough oxygen transmitted from the blood.
5. Fix abnormal heart rate disease
Abnormal heartbeat or atrial fibrillation is a condition where your heartbeat beats unregularly causing freezing to the heart. The clotting blob then spreads to the brain and eventually raises the stroke.
Therefore, if you have symptoms such as heart palpitations or shortness of breath, you should consult the condition. Usually, the doctor will give a blood-thinning medication to overcome it.
Not without reason, the stroke is dubbed as a silent killer disease because of his sudden but deadly coming. For that, you can prevent stroke by living a healthy lifestyle from now on. When you feel the symptoms of a stroke, such as sudden headaches, impaired balance, fatigue, blurred vision, and numbness in certain parts of the body, immediately consult a doctor.