Recognize 5 signs and symptoms of Stroke in women
Stroke is a disease that is susceptible to anyone, including women. Know the signs and symptoms before it's too late.
Stroke is one of the diseases that still sits in the top ranks as the leading cause of death worldwide. This disease often comes without realizing it, so the health experts refer to it as the silent killer. Stroke can happen to anyone, no exception in women.
Medically, stroke is the death of brain tissue that occurs due to decreased blood flow and oxygen. The disease is divided into two types, ischemic stroke, and hemorrhagic stroke.
Ischemic stroke is a type of stroke that occurs when blood flow to the brain is stopped due to obstruction of blood vessels. Meanwhile, hemorrhagic stroke is a type of stroke that occurs when blood vessels rupture and blood flow to the brain is experiencing obstacles.
Strokes on women
Women are more susceptible to stroke when it reaches age above 55 years. That age is the time when women experience menopause.
In menopause condition and thereafter, estrogen levels in the female body will immediately decline drastically. Therefore, the protection will disappear and various types of diseases including stroke may attack.
When a woman is said to be prone to stroke, the disease can occur at any time. However, before it actually happens, the signs and symptoms that can occur are:
1. Weakened limbs
If you find it difficult to move your body suddenly, this can be a sign that you will be attacked by a stroke. Weakened limbs are common symptoms of ischemic stroke or hemorrhagic stroke.
Weakness usually occurs on one side of the body, such as the right hand and leg, or left hand and foot. At an ischemic stroke, the weakness occurs gradually. While on a hemorrhagic stroke, the body's weakness occurs rapidly and suddenly.
2. Difficulty communicating
The loss of ability to speak also becomes another sign of stroke disease. The fact mentioned that stroke sufferers will experience speech disorder, such as Talk is unclear even talking like muttering.
3. The face looks unsymmetrical
Due to nerve disturbances, the face of the stroke sufferer will appear unsymmetrical. For example, the mouth tends to lead to one side of the face, or one of the eyelids is somewhat closed.
4. Double Vision
Nerve disorders due to stroke not only interfere with the appearance of the face but also the eye function. As a result, when a stroke sufferer sees an object, that will arise is a shaded or multiple vision.
5. Loss of consciousness
Hemorrhagic strokes can make the sufferer disappear suddenly. If the occurrence is not balanced with help quickly and precisely, sufferers can coma even lose lives.
Stroke is a deadly disease that often comes quietly. In fact, the disease not only affects women but also men of all ages. In order not to be exposed to stroke disease in the future, immediately apply a healthy lifestyle, a balanced nutritious diet, avoid cigarettes and alcohol, and enough rest. Do not hesitate to check periodically to the doctor, so that all health problems can be detected early and treated before it has been severe.