Enter the age of 40, here's how his life prompts

Entering the age of 40 years, many changes will occur. To stay healthy and fit, this healthy way of life is recommended.

Like or dislike, many changes will occur when a person enters the age of 40 years. The signs of aging will be increasingly felt. To keep the body healthy and fit, there are some healthy ways of living recommended.

If at the age of 40 you've applied a healthy lifestyle, you can be proud. However, if your lifestyle is still far from being healthy, it's time to make changes. There is no word late to be better, including in the effort of being a healthier person, both physical and mental.

Enter the age of 40, here's how his life prompts | GOLELY

Entering the age of 40, apply this healthy way of life

For you Quadragenarian (people in the ages of 40), here are some healthy ways of living that you can begin to make as a habit.

A lot more (and better) sleep

The time of the prayer has passed. It's time to prioritize sleep with good quantity and quality.

You are advised to start fixing your sleep habits. Do a good sleep habit, such as not eating too close to bedtime, avoid consuming caffeine and nicotine, dim the room lights, and keep the gadgets out of reach to sleep more soundly.

Make sure you always sleep 8 hours per day every day. If this is done consistently, feel a variety of healthy changes in the body due to enough sleep time and quality.

Drink a glass of extra white water

Feeling your fluid intake is enough? Add another one glass! Yes, a glass of extra white water will bring benefits to the body.

Fulfilling the needs of body fluids every day will make various organ functions run properly. 

The other good impacts will also be perceived skin that at the age of 40 is aging. Keeping the adequacy of the liquid will help delay the signs of aging, such as fine lines, sagging skin, and keep the skin bright and look fresh.

Perso protein

Muscles will begin to lose their mass at age 30 and continue as you enter the age of 40 years. Eating different types of protein, whether animal or vegetable, can help you compensate for the condition. 

Divide the protein in a day into several portions of the meal, so that the combustion and metabolism results are perfectly distributed in the body.

Sit more upright

You want to still have a good posture when you're told later, right?

Not only will it look aesthetically pleasing, but good posture will also prevent back pain, lumbago, and reduce pressure on muscles, joints, and supporting structures. 

Although initially, it is not easy to always remind yourself to always sit upright, if it is done constantly will be an unconscious habit always done.

Notice the eye condition

The eye is one organ whose condition often decreases as the age increases. Starting from a blurred vision due to changes in eyeball anatomy (should use the goggles plus due to presbyopia to read, for example), until the emergence of degenerative diseases such as cataracts. 

Decreased tear gland function also often causes symptoms such as dry eye and discomfort. Note the signs of this symptom and immediately correct the habits associated with it. One of them, start to get used to blinking more often and avoid looking at the screen of the gadget for too long.

Although it has entered the age of 40, there is no word too late to start a healthy way of life. Try to evaluate your current habits and daily routines, and then start fixing them little by little. Start with what you feel is easiest. That way, starting, undergoing, and remaining consistent in running it won't feel heavy.

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