Know the benefits of apple fruit for diabetics

The benefits of Apple will not deny you, including to control diabetes. Let's know the benefits of Apple for diabetics.

An Apple a day keeps the doctor away. " Often hear the saying? Yes, this is not nonsense. The benefits of apples are so great for the health of the body so you don't have to be "diligent" to visit the doctor because of illness. Well, apples are also good for diabetics because they are judged to be able to control this disease.

According to a study conducted by the State University of Florida, the United States, Apple is said to be a magical fruit because it has a variety of amazing benefits for the body. Apples are known to be rich in healthy, phytonutrients, and antioxidants. Consumption of this fruit is even touted can prevent heart disease, stroke, until cancer.

Know the benefits of apple fruit for diabetics | GOLELY

The consumption of Apple once a day is believed to help control weight, while the consumption of two apples a day can be believed to lower blood cholesterol.

Benefits of apple fruit for diabetics

Some diabetics think that they are no longer able to consume sweet foods. It needs to be corrected. Indeed, the increase in blood sugar can occur due to the consumption of foods containing carbohydrates. However, diabetics are still able to consume sweet food from just a select.

Fruit can be an important part of the diabetic diet pattern. Given the fiber and high nutrient content, one serving of whole fruit can enter as a health routine without causing a spike in blood sugar.

A study published in the "British Medical Journal" mentions that eating whole fruit — especially apples — can reduce the risk of being exposed to type 2 diabetes. Conversely, drinking fruit juice is associated with an increased risk of diabetes.

You need to know, one medium-sized apple and its skin contain 95 calories, 25 grams of carbohydrates, 0.5 grams of protein, 4 grams of fiber, and 0.4 grams of fat. Not only that, but apples are also a good source of vitamin C.

The reason why apples are good for preventing and controlling diabetes is its antioxidant content, namely quercetin, chlorogenic acid, and Phlorizin.

Quercetin can help to slow down the processing of carbohydrates and serves to prevent rising blood sugar. Chlorogenic acid can help the body to utilize sugar more efficiently, while Phlorizin helps to slow down the absorption of sugar and lower blood sugar levels.

In a study of rats published in the medical journal "BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine", it was reported that diabetic rats that were given apples for 21 days experienced a decrease in blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Researchers then attributed the results to the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of food. Apple is full of polyphenols, a plant compound that is believed to protect the body from various chronic diseases.

The content of polyphenols on apples is an antioxidant that can inhibit the oxidation process of bad cholesterol (a.k.a. low-density lipoproteins or LDL). This process can help lower the risk of cholesterol formation as well as narrowing of blood vessels.

Although apples contain sugar, most of the sugar found in apples is fructose that differs from sugar in general. Fructose does not pose significant increases in blood sugar.

Still, need further research

Regarding the link between apples and blood sugar levels, it still takes further research from various aspects. Some research suggests that apple juice is beneficial in controlling diabetes. But perhaps the best thing is to eat the apples completely so that you can receive all the fibers.

Besides apples, consumption is also a variation of other foods that are nutritiously balanced, exercise regularly, as well as adequate rest. One thing that is no less important to diabetics, still notes the number of calories entered. Eating excessively will adversely affect your weight and blood sugar levels.

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