More dangers of cholesterol or triglycerides, this is the fact

High levels of cholesterol and triglycerides can be both health-threatening. More dangers of cholesterol or triglycerides? Here's the fact.

Both cholesterol and triglycerides are formed from the foods you consume and can also harm the health of the body. In between the two, more harmful cholesterol or triglycerides?

In the medical world, known some kind of fat term. Two of them are cholesterol and triglycerides.

More dangers of cholesterol or triglycerides, this is the fact | GOLELY

Cholesterol ins and outs

Cholesterol is a fat compound that is produced naturally by liver organs and can also be obtained from food intakes such as meat or milk.

Cholesterol is often thought to be evil, but in fact, its presence is needed by the body, covering the formation of cell walls, supporting metabolism, and producing hormones needed by the body.

Due to the insoluble nature of cholesterol in the blood, it is required a "binder" referred to as lipoprotein. The substance serves to deliver cholesterol to be circulated throughout the body and carry out its duties. 

These lipoprotein substances are divided into two types, the first being low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL).

The usual LDL is called bad cholesterol. The reason, if the level is too high, LDL can potentially accumulate on the wall of the artery that may clog the bloodstream (atherosclerosis).

The difference between HDL or good fats is its function to circulate excess cholesterol to be stored back to the liver organ and secreted when needed.

Typically, high total cholesterol is the result of the high LDL value plus the low value of HDL. Here are the normal cholesterol referent values:
  • LDL: < 100 mg/dL 
  • HDL: > 60 mg/dL
  • Total Cholesterol: < 200 mg/dL

About triglycerides

Unlike cholesterol, triglycerides are a simple fraction of the fat that has been consumed from fatty foods, which are then used by the body as a source of energy. Triglycerides can also be formed from excess calories which are then stored as energy deposits within the fatty tissues.

The following are normal triglyceride referent values:
  • Normal: < 150 mg/dL 
  • height limit: 150-199 mg/dL 
  • Height: 200-499 mg/dL 
  • very High: > 500 mg/dL

More dangers where cholesterol or triglycerides?

Both cholesterol and triglycerides will adversely affect health when exceeding normal referent values.

High cholesterol, in this case, LDL, can accumulate and form atherosclerosis and cause a heart attack due to the stopping of blood supply to the heart muscle.

Meanwhile, high triglyceride levels can cause arterial walls to thicken, which can lead to stroke. Also, high triglycerides can be the cause of obesity and trigger the emergence of metabolic diseases such as diabetes.

How to control cholesterol and triglycerides

High triglycerides and cholesterol can have a bad impact on the health of the body. So, what can you do to avoid the dangers of any kind? Do the tips below!
  • Multiply the consumption of beans, fish, or olive oil. The reason is, the fat content of its healthy can help lower levels of bad fats in the body.
  • Avoid consuming a variety of fried, margarine, or snack foods that contain high bad fats.
  • Avoid consumption of high-sugar foods such as flour, white rice, or sweetened beverages. Foods high in sugar may potentially become excess calories, which will then be stored in the form of triglycerides in the fatty tissues.
  • Live a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise or increase physical activity.
  • If you are a smoker active, consider stopping as various studies have shown that there is a correlation between smokers with high triglyceride levels.
  • Limit alcohol consumption. The American Heart Association mentions, that alcohol can increase triglyceride levels while contributing to hypertension, obesity, and increased risk of diabetes.
  • Check cholesterol and triglyceride levels regularly.
  • Keep your ideal weight. Excess weight increases cholesterol in the body, so the risk of heart disease increases. By losing weight, you can help reduce total cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides as well as increase HDL.

If you've done the above ways but your cholesterol and triglyceride levels remain high, you should consult your doctor for further handling.

Never again question more dangers of cholesterol or triglycerides, because both are equally harmful to health if their levels are in the high body. By keeping cholesterol and triglyceride levels steady, you can protect yourself from the development of harmful diseases due to the loss of blood vessels and other adverse effects.

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