5 Foods rich in Vitamin B12 to keep your health

Vitamin B12 is important, but not produced by the body. Fulfill the needs of this vitamin by eating the following healthy foods.

Vitamins are organic compounds that are needed by the human body to support growth and metabolic processes. One of the many vitamins needed is vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 serves to produce red blood cells and energy, preventing nerve damage, maintaining cognitive function as well as supporting several biological processes in the body. Although the function is very important, not a few people who are reluctant to observe the daily adequacy of vitamin B12. Don't-don't, are you one of them?

5 Foods rich in Vitamin B12 to keep your health | GOLELY

Food to meet the needs of vitamin B12

You need to know, the human body does not produce its vitamin B12. You can only get it by consuming animal food aka meat-Dagingan. For example, namely:

1. Salmon

In addition to having an omega-3 fatty acid that is good for the health of blood vessels, a portion of salmon weighing 3 ounces also contains almost double the amount of vitamin B12 needed adults in a day.

You can also obtain vitamin B12 with roughly the same amount of tuna fish. However, you should be careful with the tuna fish. Because this fish is often found to have high mercury content.

2. The Heart

This food is quite easy to obtain and a favorite among Indonesian families. The liver is one of the best sources of vitamin B12.

Beef liver has the most B12 with 60 micrograms per serving weighing 3 ounces. While the chicken liver has about 18 micrograms of vitamin B12 for the same amount of servings.

Alternatively, you can consume 3 ounces of sirloin beef (containing 1.4 micrograms of vitamin B12) or ounces of roasted chicken breasts with equal portions (containing 0.3 micrograms of vitamin B12).

3. Shellfish

Among another marine biota, shellfish is one that has a high vitamin B12 content. Also, shellfish contains a lot of protein without the fat and good iron to support the function of the human body.

Shellfish can be a good choice because of less polluted toxins like mercury and other pollutants. However, if you do not like shells, crabs can be used as alternatives.

4. Milk

Not only contains minerals and calcium, but milk also has vitamin B12 content that is good for your health. A glass of milk can supply up to 18 percent of your daily vitamin B12 nutritional intake.

If you don't like drinking milk, you can try out its dairy products such as yogurt or cheese.

5. Cereal

Most cereal offerings sold in the market have been fortified with various types of vitamin B, including vitamin B12. For example, instant dry cereals that are sold on the market contain up to 15 percent of your daily vitamin B12 needs.

Cereal can be a menu of options for those of you who are dieting to reduce meat consumption, to still get adequate intake of vitamin B12.

Where are the foods rich in vitamin B12 being your favorite? Although it is very good, you must keep in mind to limit the portion when consuming it so as not to overdo it.

If you are experiencing a condition that is hindered to consume foods rich in vitamin B12, consult the doctor to make the needs of this vitamin can continue to be fulfilled. Because, vitamin B12 deficiency can trigger numbness of the body, tingling, and limb, even nerve pain. You do not want to experience these complaints, right?

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