The right way to support child brain development

To grow into a smart child, support the development of the child's brain in this way.

Children need to have good brain development to be categorized as an optimal growing flower. Because the functioning of the brain is optimal compared to the straight with the function of the body perfect.

Unfortunately, not a few parents are misguided with the development of the child's brain. To date, there are still many who think that child brain development begins since little was born into the world.

The right way to support child brain development | GOLELY

The real fact that the child's brain development has started since the little one is still in the womb.

Child brain Development

The fastest development of the brain occurs since the fetus is still in the womb until the child is 2 years old.

Research has said that 80 percent of brain growth occurs during the first 1000 days of child life. This period is known as the golden period of child brain development.

After 2 years of age, the child's brain continues to evolve until it enters adolescence. However, the rate of brain growth is not as early as the child is still in the first 1000 days of life.

The brain development of the child itself occurs through the maturation of brain cells, which are the process of myelinization and the formation of the synapse. Myelinisation is the formation of the myelin sheath on brain cell fibers.

Afterward, there is the formation of synapse or fork of the fibers that connect each cell of the brain. Both processes affect the development of a child's brain. Because, the more a fork (synapse), the relationship to each brain cell will also be better. As a result, brain function in carrying out various functions is also more coordinated.

Tips on supporting child brain development

For the development of a child's brain to go well and optimally, here are the tips you need to apply:

  • Meet the nutritional needs during pregnancy by consuming healthy and nutritious food. If necessary and have been consulted with a physician, supplements containing essential nutrients during pregnancy can also be consumed according to the recommended dosage.
  • Conducting regular pregnancy screening to prevent complications when pregnant and childbirth.
  • Provide the right nutrients with the appropriate amount for the child. Starting from exclusive breast milk delivery for up to six months, plus a mother's breast milk for up to two years.
  • At the time of breast milk for mothers up to two years, make sure that the little one does not expire to be given food rich in omega-3 content, EPA and DHA so that the development of the brain remains optimal.
  • Provide proper stimulation and age-appropriate.
  • Maintain the optimal health condition of children, including immunization and monitoring the pace of child growth regularly.
  • Provide healthy food for children, especially those that support brain intelligence such as fish. Fish oil products that do not smell can also be used as an option to remain comfortable consumed by children.
  • Give enough affection to the child.
How do I know the brain development is optimal? Most parents are only guesswork out by comparing their hearts to the other children. Not necessarily other children who serve as a reference have optimal brain development.

So, what is the most appropriate parameter for detecting optimal child brain development?

  • Brain growth

Child brain growth can easily be assessed through regular head circumference measurements, i.e. every month up to the age of 1 year.

Then it continues to be every 3 months to two years, every 6 months until the age of 5 years, and every year until the age of adolescence.

  • Brain development

Brain development is assessed objectively through general child development, such as motor development, language, cognitive, and social capabilities.

To evaluate it, there are a variety of questionnaires that doctors can use. Starting from a child development disorder screening questionnaire to a special questionnaire to assess each aspect of the child's development.

Optimal child brain development is a factor that also determines the growth perfection of the little. Therefore, for the development of the child's brain to go well, parents are required to provide proper support. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor if you find any obstacles related to growing children.

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