This is the food that can reduce sperm quality

Be careful, although it makes full and delicious, know some foods that can reduce the quality of the sperm here.

Women are not the only ones struggling in the pregnant program. Men must also improve the quality of sperm to fertilize the egg tel optimally so that pregnancy can occur. Fortunately, there is an easy way to improve the quality of male sperm, namely by keeping the diet. Therefore, Adam must know what foods can reduce the quality of the sperm and avoid them.

This is the food that can reduce sperm quality | GOLELY

Food causes sperm quality decreases

Male sperm health is determined by various things: from the number, movements, and structure. A man is said to be fertile when able to produce liquids containing cement with a sperm count of 15 million per millimeter in a single ejaculation. Less than that, fertilization will be difficult.

A man is considered fertile if at least 40 percent of the sperm move reaches the goal (the ovum). To be a man of good sperm quality, men are advised to apply a balanced diet by avoiding unhealthy food.

The unhealthy intent here is food that can lower the quality of sperm. Here are some of them:

1. Processed meat

Most men often eat meat can improve their health and sperm quality. However, the mindset can also trap and instead give the opposite effect. Because, if consumed is processed meat such as sausage or ham, it can precisely reduce the quality of male sperm.

Men who often consume fast food filled with processed meats have 25.6 million fewer sperm than men living with a high diet of vegetables and fruit.

Therefore, if it is a man whose hobby eats meat, it is better to choose a natural red or white meat and not have much fat content.

2. Sugar and carbohydrates

Consuming too much sugar turns out to have a bad impact on sperm quality. This is because the sugar that has entered into the body requires insulin to be processed. The more sugar consumed, the higher the insulin is produced. Unfortunately, excess insulin increases in line with decreased levels of testosterone — male sexual hormones. As a result, sex arousal will decline drastically and the sperm quality is also less good.

One thing to keep in mind, sugar here is not just a drink or food that tastes sweet. Carbohydrates such as pasta, noodles or white rice also include foods that can turn into sugar and can increase blood sugar levels and trigger excessive insulin production.

3. High-fat dairy products

Cow's milk is healthy. However, if the consumed constantly is high-fat cow's milk, it could be a boomerang for the men. 

High-Fat milk has estrogen content because it comes from animals. Some cows are also injected steroid hormones to increase milk production. If the cow's milk is taken by a lot of men, automatic sperm quality can also be affected in the negative direction. 

Not only liquid milk, processed high-fat milk such as cream or cheese can also give a similar effect. Therefore, if you still want to consume milk or dairy products, choose a product that is low in fat or without fat at all.

Food to improve sperm quality

Instead of consuming all three meals over the excess, it would be better if you choose nuts. Because the foodstuffs of this one have the content of Omega-3 and folic acid that can improve the quality of male sperm.

Try to eat beans at least 60 grams a day so that the quality of sperm can increase optimally.

Can not consume beans because of a problem uric acid? You can choose foods high in antioxidants as an alternative. Antioxidants can be obtained from various types of vegetables and fruits.

Maintaining the quality of sperm is the basic capital that needs to be owned by men who want to become fathers later. Therefore, limit or avoid any food that can lower the quality of the sperm. Consume food that has been mentioned and apply a healthy lifestyle so that the quality of sperm can increase more optimally. If you still find obstacles related to male fertility, do not hesitate to consult your doctor.

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