The characteristics of GERD disease you need to know

GERD or complaints because stomach acids often make the sufferer feel uncomfortable. Identify the characteristics of GERD disease in this article.

Normally, the food that should have entered the mouth will directly go to the esophagus and into the stomach. There the food will last for three to four hours to digest. But if the food you eat feels back up to the esophagus or feels stomach acid rises, it could be a characteristic of GERD disease. 

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a chronic disease in the digestive system. GERD occurs when gastric acid rises back to the esophagus (esophagus).

The characteristics of GERD disease you need to know | GOLELY

If it occurs chronically, it can cause irritation as well as infections of the esophagus. For patients with stomach acids, they will usually experience heartburn during the next one to two hours.

Characteristics of GERD disease

In heavy enough interference, GERD can interfere with daily activities and disrupt your bedtime. If it is not immediately handled properly, then it is not possible that no complications arise and can harm yourself. Therefore, you need to be wary of GERD traits to quickly handle the symptoms properly. 

GERD usually has very similar symptoms to ulcer disease. However, there are several differences, such as: 

You often feel pain in the chest that spreads into the esophagus and generally felt sensations such as burning sensations. The duration is long enough, which is about two to three hours and will be able to give after you eat.  

In addition to having a meal, the sensation of burning on the chest and the esophagus will also be strat when you lie down or slip on the couch.  

This burning sensation is also accompanied by a bitter taste in the mouth because the acid rises from the stomach in the form of gas. This condition also gets worse if the bitter taste that you feel always occurs in the morning after waking up.  

Gastric acid that rises to the esophagus in a long period can also cause your voice to become hoarseness. This is due to irritation that also occurs in the throat and also vocal cords.  

Nausea occurs and wants to vomit is also a symptom that you feel when experiencing GERD. Avoid consuming fatty and oily foods. You should also avoid liqueurs that contain gases such as soda to prevent gastric acids from rising.

Prevent GERD from now on! 

Maintaining a good diet is one of the most possible ways to prevent GERD from appearing.

Avoid foods with high-fat content because it can decrease the strength of LES valves (lower esophageal sphincter) and finally facilitate the rise of gastric acid.

For that, you should know how to prevent GERD as below explanation:

  • Avoid acidic foods

GERD sufferers should avoid foods that contain high acid like lemon because it can increase the acid levels in the body.

You are also asked to avoid eating with large portions. This can lead to distension or stretching of the stomach that causes acid in the stomach to easily rise to the esophagus. 

  • Reduce the consumption of alcohol and quit smoking

Reducing alcohol intake and quitting smoking is also a way to lower the risk of GERD. The reason, smoking, and drinking alcohol activities can lower the strength of LES valves.

In addition to keeping your diet, you also need active moving and regular exercise to keep your weight ideal.

  • Wearing comfortable clothing

Avoid using overly tight clothing. The garment can suppress the stomach and the sphincter of the esophagus, making GERD easier. It does look trivial, but it can help avoid health problems that can harm you.

If you feel the characteristics of GERD disease described above, you should consult a doctor immediately. Although GERD disease can be healed and lowered risks, the duration of the treatment is relatively long. In some cases, treatment can be done for about two to three weeks. So, keep the diet well until the medication provided by the doctor has run out.

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