Beware of illness due to frequent drinking alcohol in young times

Excessive alcohol consumption, especially since young, can have a bad impact on health. Beware of diseases caused by frequent drinking alcohol.

The adverse effects of excessive alcohol consumption have been widely known. You whose youth have this habit should be wary of diseases caused by frequent drinking alcohol. What are the diseases?

Not only does it give the effect of a hangover, but excessive alcohol consumption can also increase the risk of many diseases, both in the short and long term.

Beware of illness due to frequent drinking alcohol in young times | GOLELY

A short-term disorder that can occur is alcohol poisoning, while the long-term disorder is liver disease.

The alcohol that enters the body will be metabolized by the liver. Therefore, many who experience impaired liver due to frequent drinking excessive alcohol. Liver disease caused by excessive alcohol intake is called alcoholic liver disease (ALD) or alcohol-induced liver treatment.

Why alcohol drinkers should be wary of ALD

There are several ALD stages of alcoholic liver, alcoholics, and cirrhosis.

Cirrhosis is the end-stage liver damage. However, a crisis can also occur in those who do not drink alcohol, usually due to unhandled hepatitis infection.

Serious is the formation of scar tissue on the liver due to long-lasting damage.

Although usually, the liver can generate when damaged, if the damage continues to run and worsened, then the heart can not do the update. As a result, the liver will be damaged and unable to perform its functions properly.

In the early stages of ALD, the sufferer will not experience any symptoms. Symptoms will begin to feel when the liver becomes more damaged. This is seen from the body of yellow and accompanied easily tired.

Patients can also experience high fever, enlarged stomach or swelling in other parts of the body, severe bowel movements, easy bleeding such as vomiting blood, and easy bruising.

Cirrhosis can not be healed in total. The handling is only done to inhibit liver damage from complications.

If possible, a liver transplant can be a treatment option for liver cirrhosis. However, donor compatibility should be observed with transportation recipients to reduce transplant complications.

Therefore, before you are attacked by alcohol liver disease, it is recommended to change your lifestyle immediately. Limit or stop alcohol consumption and apply a healthy diet and exercise routine.

Other diseases that can occur

Besides ALD, other adverse effects that should also be wary of are:

  • Tooth decay

Excessive drinking of alcohol can also result in tooth decay, which is likely to have more dental plaque. These conditions can increase the risk three times more likely to lose at least one tooth.

Most alcoholic beverages contain chromogens that serve to give color to the drink. When these chromogens stick to the teeth plus the dental hygiene is not good, the teeth will be easier to yellow and look duller.

Also, alcohol can make teeth drier. When this happens, it is easier to get your teeth off.

  • Cancer

Quoted from the National Institute and Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism page, there is a meta-analysis that mentions that long-term alcohol consumption may increase the risk of developing some cancers. E.g. oral cancer, esophageal cancer, laryngeal cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, rectum cancer, and breast cancer.

The content of acetaldehyde and alcohol itself is mentioned to contribute to increased risk.

In also smoking alcohol drinkers are known to have a higher risk of developing cancer in the upper gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract.

  • Malnutrition and vitamin deficiency

Too much alcohol intake can also cause malnutrition or poor nutrition and vitamin deficiency. It may be partly caused by a poor diet, but also because the nutrients that go into the body do not break well.

Various nutrients that enter the body are not sufficiently absorbed from the digestive tract into the blood, so it cannot be used effectively by the cells of the body.

Also, alcohol can interfere with the production of red blood cells in the spinal cord and cause bleeding of gastric ulcers, so it can cause iron-deficiency anemia.

  • Brain damage

Alcohol is associated with blurred vision, memory deterioration, slurred speech, difficulty walking, and slowing body reactions. It all happens because of its effect on the brain.

These conditions alter brain receptors and neurotransmitters, then interfere with cognitive function, mood, emotion, and reaction on many levels.

Because alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, there can be difficulties in processing information and it is more difficult to solve a simple problem.

The effects of alcohol on serotonin and GABA receptors may cause neurological changes, which could result in declining consequences of a person's fears of its actions, which could then contribute to risk-taking or behavior Violence.

Alcohol can also interfere with motor coordination and balance, which often causes injuries due to falling. Excessive drinking of alcohol can lead to a loss of consciousness or an inability to remember.

Many long-term drinking alcohols can accelerate the natural process of aging the brain, which can end in early and permanent dementia.

In addition to those already mentioned above, other adverse effects also need to be wary of. Such as pancreatitis, cardiovascular complications (such as angina, hypertension, and risk of heart failure), weaken body resistance (making the body susceptible to infectious diseases such as pneumonia and tuberculosis), and gastrointestinal disorders (ulcer Stomach, sour stomach rises, and gastritis).

With so many potential diseases caused by often drinking alcohol in a period since the youth, still, want to continue the habit? For better health, slowly subtract limit, better stop consumption. If the difficulty is already addictive, ask a psychiatrist for help to get the proper treatment.

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