What are the benefits of drinking breast milk when it's adult?

Breast milk serves to form good body resistance and meet the nutritional needs of infants. Then, there or not, yes, the benefits of drinking breast milk when it is grown?

What are the benefits of drinking breast milk when it's adult? | GOLELY

Not beneficial for adults

Please also note that the World Health Agency (WHO) only encourages breastfeeding until the child is 2 years old. So, it is natural that if the habit of drinking breast milk when the adult has become a controversy in society.

Given to the patient is not in the form of drinking breast milk, but it has been processed and already taken the extract needed for treatment. 

Breast-feeding in adults is always a certain medical indication. So, if given in healthy adults, breast milk becomes less beneficial. 

To date, there have been no specific studies reporting that drinking breast milk when adults can provide health benefits. Breast milk is a perfect and appropriate nutrient for infants and not for teenagers, especially adults. 

The teenager or the adult is the perfect body endurance, so no need to drink breast milk anymore. His nutritional needs have also been much greater than babies. So, drink breast milk, yes, there is no benefit. The nutritional needs cannot be covered by breast milk, must be from ordinary healthy foods.

Some adults who drink breast milk may be reasoned just wanting to try it. However, when there is a routine habit, there is no benefit of breast milk that can be felt by adults.

Benefits of breast milk health

If breast milk does not provide any benefits to teenagers and adults, otherwise, breast milk is precisely beneficial for infants. There are also health benefits felt by the infant if he gets the exclusive mother breast milk from his mother, among others:

  • Risk of infection and allergies become lower

Breast milk issued in the first 7 days after the birth baby is referred to as colostrum. Colostrum is very well given to newborns as it contains many antibodies, white blood cells, and vitamin A that required infants to protect it from infection and allergies.

  • Growing its progress is more optimal

Baby growth is given exclusive breast milk is considered better. The results are seen from higher intellectual intelligence (IQ) scores on children given the exclusive breast milk compared to those not.

From a psychological standpoint, nursing activities will help mothers and babies form a rope of love. The contact will be established after childbirth when the mother is breastfeeding her baby for the first time. This situation will foster a psychological bond between the mother and her baby (bonding). 

The benefit of drinking breast milk when grown up is still a controversy. However, to live a healthy life, you can still do other ways by keeping your diet, resting pattern, managing stress well, as well as exercising routine. If you want to strengthen the relationship with family, often brainstorm and activities together can also cultivate it.

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