5 ways to lower uric acid without medication

Often experiencing joint pain due to high uric acid? Don't panic, it's a way to lower uric acid without medication!

Have a disease of uric acid and often have joint pain complaints that mainly occur in the big toe? Medically known disease with the term gout arthritis is very agonizing when it is relapse. Then, can you lower uric acid without medication?

Uric acid does not only cause joint pain and fatigue. This condition also relates to the risk of kidney impairment in the latter days. Therefore, uric acid must be controlled to avoid high and cause recurrence of symptoms. 

5 ways to lower uric acid without medication | GOLELY

To lower uric acid, do not necessarily need medicines. You can also naturally lower uric acid.

Lowering uric acid without medication

Relieve pain when uric acid. Here is how to lower uric acid without medication.

1. Stay away from foods containing purines

Gout is the result of the metabolism of high foods purine, such as organ meats, seafood, cabbage, and nuts. If not consumed excessively, the resulting purines can be easily excreted through urine.

However, if the food is high in quantity of Purin, the body will not be able to remove it all through urine. As a result, Purin will accumulate and form uric acid crystals in the joints.

On that basis, the uric acid disease should avoid or completely limit the type of food that is high in purine.

2. Drink plenty of water

The number of purines entering the body through food will be excreted by the urine. Meanwhile, the kidneys need enough white water to produce urine.

Therefore, uric acid must meet daily fluid needs. If necessary, bring a large glass of white water wherever you go to remember drinking.

3. Consumption of fiber-containing foods

Fruit or vegetable is the main fiber supplier for the human body. No wonder, people with uric acid are encouraged to eat vegetables and fruit as much as five servings per day.

Foods containing fiber can help the body keep the sugar levels steady. Fiber also helps maintain a sense of fullness so that the uric acid is spared from overeating behavior. In the end, the amount of purines entering the body becomes lower.

4. Say no to sweet drinks

Eating a sweet drink amid the heat of the sun is refreshing. Unfortunately, sweet drinks can also attack you quietly, especially if the level of uric acid in the body is already high.

Research proves that the habit of consuming beverages containing additional sweeteners can increase uric acid.

Therefore, try to avoid drinks that contain artificial sweeteners. Better for water.

5. Keep Mental Health

Mental health should be observed, especially when you are in the program of lowering uric acid. The reason, unstable mental condition, stress or depression can trigger the process of inflammation in the body.

Such inflammation can increase the risk of uric acid buildup in the blood.

Some things can be done to keep the mental state to stay steady, for example, enough rest by sleeping at least 8 hours every night, regular exercise, meditation, doing hobbies. 

Uric acid is not the end of everything. The disease does not heal, but you can still control it so that the symptoms do not have a relapse. 

Luckily again, you don't necessarily need a doctor to control the levels of uric acid. You can also lower uric acid without medication. But, remember, if uric acid does not go down or the complaint does not disappear after doing the natural ways that have been delivered, do not delay treatment to the doctor.