Adverse impacts of climate change for children's health

Scientists argue that climate change will threaten the lives of everyone, especially children. Here's a review regarding the poor impact on child health.

Climate change will pose unprecedented health risks for children. Without a reduction of emissions and a fairly drastic increase in temperature will be the burden of the next generation.

The impact is high levels of nutritional deficiencies, a weaker immune system and a higher risk of premature death. As the temperature increases, scientists predict the reduction of staple crops such as corn, rice, and soy.

Adverse impacts of climate change for children's health | GOLELY

If it cannot be restricted, it will cause food prices to increase. This is what makes the purchasing power of society so weak. The risk is that parents can not fulfill their children's nutrition. Its worst condition can lead to slow growth and long-term developmental problems.

The following are facts that have occurred regarding the impacts of climate change on child health.

  • Warmer temperatures in 2018 cause an increase in the spread of bacteria causing diarrhea and wound infections. Over the last 30 years, the number of climate-matched days for the Vibrio bacteria (which causes diarrhea) has doubled.
  • Children are very susceptible to increased infectious diseases caused by increased temperature and change of rainfall patterns. Dengue fever is one of the plagues.
  • Nine of the most severe 10-year-long transmission of dengue fever has occurred since 2000. The mosquitoes began to spread in Europe and other new territories.

Child health impacts

Children are particularly vulnerable to the health risks of climate change. Their body and immune system are still developing, thus making them more susceptible to disease and environmental pollution.

The damage that occurs in early childhood is persistent and can spread, with health consequences that last a lifetime. Without immediate action from all countries to reduce the effect of greenhouse emissions, welfare and the life expectancy of the next generation will be threatened.

Children are very vulnerable to climate change because they have not their physical and cognitive aspects, so climate change will have an impact as below.

Compared to adults, children inhale more air and drink more fluids for their weight.

This is also because they are shorter and spend more time on the ground, they are closer to the pollutants at ground level. These factors cause children to have a higher exposure rate than adults.

Children engage in different behaviors than adults, including what they eat and activities like crawling on the ground and hand-to-mouth activities. This behavior makes it more susceptible to exposure to air, water, and soil.
  • Children have an immature immune system and organs. As such, they are more sensitive to exposures that can cause permanent disabilities.
  • Children depend on caregivers and may not be able to respond to threats appropriately. Consequently, they risk injury or even death in extreme weather emergencies.
  • Children and adolescents do more outdoor activities than adults, making them more susceptible to heat and outside air pollutants such as ozone.


If you do not want any adverse consequences to occur in your next child, then the following can be done as a preventive act.

You can reduce energy and waste consumption around within the scope of individuals, families, communities, and communities. You can try to reduce dependence on fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas, and increase the use of other energy sources such as wind and sun.
  • Improve healthy living habits in the family's scope such as hand washing before and after meals, good schedules and eating patterns as well as regular rest.
  • Raising awareness of the body's health care when extreme weather or natural disasters begin to occur, such as extreme heat effects and poor air quality. For example, use mouth and nose cover masks, supplement companion supplements and check for periodic health.
  • You can advocate local, national and international policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Climate change will certainly affect the health of all individuals, especially children with lower-body resistance. Let's work together to make the Earth's state better and healthier so that the children's future is brighter.

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