Easy ways to cope with dry eyes

Eyes feel uncomfortable after a long time working in front of a computer? It could be that you have dry eyes. It's an easy way to cope with dry eyes.

In today's digital-paced era, an office worker is very likely to stare at a laptop screen in a long time. If it continues to be done, this can cause dry eyes. While experiencing it, the step of overcoming dry eyes should be done.

Easy ways to cope with dry eyes | GOLELY

What are dry eyes?

When using your computer or gadget, your eyes will strive to keep focusing. When the eye has to focus for a long time, sometimes the reflex winking decreases. This can cause dry eyes.

Dry eyes occur due to the lack of lubricating eyes in the role of maintaining moisture on the surface of the eyeball for a long period. 

The symptoms that can be felt by people with dry eyes are the eyes that feel like burning, itching, feeling that there is a sensation, pain, feeling heavy, easy to get tired.

Also, it can be accompanied by complaints of red eyes, watery, glare and blurred vision. If not resolved properly, do not close the possibility of causing other complications to the eye.

In certain conditions, it is not uncommon for dry eye sufferers to experience complaints of eyes that are often watery. This occurs because when experiencing dry eyes for a long period, it stimulates the production of water components from tears as a protection mechanism.

However, this response could not take long enough to protect from dry eyes.

Factors that cause dry eyes

Not only the use of gadgets in the long term, many things that can cause dry eyes, namely:

Use of contact lenses
  • Aging
  • Menopause
  • Environment (both indoors and outdoors that can improve tears evaporation)
  • Smoking habits
  • History of other diseases (diabetes, thyroid, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and Sjogren's syndrome)
  • History of treatment (anti-histamine, anti-depressants, hypertensive drugs, birth control pills)
  • Eyelid disorders (which causes the eyes to not be fully closed)

How to cope with dry eyes

To be able to cope with dry eyes can be done according to the causes or risk factors that can cause dry eyes. Also, dry eyes can generally be resolved with the following:

  • Warm compress on the eyelid
  • Blinking more often
  • Avoid the smoky environment (both cigarette smoke and air pollution)
  • More often resting the eye by looking away
  • Consumption of foods containing omega-3 (seafood, nuts, vegetables, dairy products, and eggs)

For those of you who have to use a computer or laptop all day, it is important to apply good habits to prevent dry eyes. You can do 3D, namely distance, direction, and duration.

  • Distance

Note the distance to use the computer to be comfortable when used for a long time. Do not be too close or too far.

  • Direction

When using a computer or gadget, you should pay attention to the direction to be straight with an eye view. Avoid using gadgets with lying positions.

  • Duration

Pay attention to the duration of your computer or device for no more than 2 hours. It's a good idea to take a rest for about 15 minutes before starting work using your computer or your device again.

If you do not pay attention to this 3D, the eye will be easily exhausted because it must strive to focus continuously and the blinking reflex will decrease.

As for soft lens users, they have a higher risk tendency to experience dry eyes. The reason is that soft lens material absorbs water. Therefore, it is highly recommended to use artificial tear drops to prevent dry eyes.

The various ways above can help to cope with dry eyes easily. However, if you have applied it but dry eye symptoms are still felt disturbing, you should do a self-examination to an ophthalmologist.

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