The importance of Hepatitis A vaccine for children and adults

Children and adults are encouraged to get the hepatitis A vaccine. These medical reasons underlying the importance of such actions.

Hepatitis A is a dangerous disease that makes the human heart can stop its function. This disease can lead to death, but its presence is often not felt.

Hepatitis A itself is caused by a viral infection that has a similar name. You can get the disease from consuming food or beverages contaminated by hepatitis A virus. Also, sexual contact with hepatitis A sufferer can make you infected with this disease.

The importance of Hepatitis A vaccine for children and adults | GOLELY

A person who has been infected with hepatitis A virus is experiencing varying symptoms. Some of them did not even show any symptoms at all, so it was detected late. If it arises, symptoms of hepatitis A are usually:
  • Yellowish-colored skin or eyes (jaundice)
  • Dark-colored Urine like tea
  • Pale colored stools like putty
  • Abdominal pain

Not only that, but hepatitis A can also trigger easy symptoms of fatigue, body weakness, decreased appetite, joint pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. 

Symptoms that occur from hepatitis A usually appear at two to six weeks after exposure to the virus. If the sufferer does not immediately apply a healthy lifestyle after the symptoms arise, hepatitis A virus will continue to accumulate in the body.

The more the ' assembled ' hepatitis A virus, the greater the risk of liver failure. This condition can cause people to lose their lives.

The importance of hepatitis A vaccine

Hepatitis A is not treatable but can be prevented by vaccination. Research has said that hepatitis A vaccine is shown to prevent the disease with an effectiveness of 94 to 100 percent. 

Hepatitis A vaccine has been recommended in the United States since 1996. Starting from this time, hepatitis A incidence rate continues to diminish every year; From the previously reached 31,000 cases ' only ' to 1,500 cases. 

Departing from it, everyone is highly encouraged to get the hepatitis A vaccine if it is already ' time '. The child can generally get this vaccination at the age of two years in two doses with a six-month administration range. 

Beyond that age, you can still get the hepatitis A vaccine directly at the clinic or hospital. This must be noticed, especially if you want to visit the country or the area of hepatitis A. Pun So if you are a health worker who often deals with hepatitis A patients.

If you have no history of allergies and are in good health, hepatitis A vaccine administration is classified as safe and proven effective. In case of side effects, you will only feel a mild complaint that occurs only for a day or two. The side effects in question are a pain at the site of the injection, headache, rapid fatigue, fever, and decreased appetite.

Feel free to get the hepatitis A vaccine, especially if you feel never before. Do not forget to consult A doctor in advance, to give hepatitis A vaccine is on target so that the disease can be completely prevented and liver function failure can be avoided.

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