7 Symptoms of disease in the body that should be wary of

Do not wait until it is severe if 7 symptoms of disease in the body have emerged, preferably immediately to the doctor!

 "Later on" Maybe it's a sentence that is often pronounced when it should be checked into the doctor appears. Generally, although the symptoms of disease in the body have been felt, you often delay consulting a doctor. It should not be crossed. 

Especially if your body condition has decreased and started to interfere with activity. Postponing to the doctor may cause symptoms of disease increasingly severe. This will affect the treatment process. Try you to start to beware! Here are the signs you should immediately to the doctor.

7 Symptoms of disease in the body that should be wary of | GOLELY

1. Weight loss decreases without cause

Lately, you have always spelled a cursive, even thin one. You do not do a special diet or exercise routine. You should be careful. Because it can also be a sign that you have health problems. 

If you experience a decrease of up to 10 percent of your weight over the past 6 months, consult a physician. It's because of hyperthyroid disease, diabetes, impaired liver function, malabsorption disorders (nutrient absorbing failure), depression, or cancer can lurk you.

2. Unhealed Fever

The fever becomes dangerous when it lasts more than three days and is heaving. You need to know, fever is a body mechanism to defend yourself from infection. A sedentary fever is a signal of various infections, such as urinary tract infections, tuberculosis, and lymphoma. 

3. Bowel Habits Change

Although bowel movements differ from an individual, you must be vigilant if there are changes in bowel habits, such as the following.

  • Always hard bowel movements.
  • Diarrhea never stops.
  • Dark stools.
  •  Or feces accompanied by blood. 

The symptoms of the above disease can be triggered by bacteria, viruses, or parasites. If it is taking too long, no risk of colon cancer.

4. Often feel full though only eat a little

Your type of person is arguably eating a little when someone else can spend food. You are only able to spend 1/4 of it because you feel full. Know, it could be a sign there's something wrong in your digestion. 

If symptoms of rapid satiety are also accompanied by nausea, bloating, and unstable weight loss, suspected there is a problem of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and Syndrome and bowel syndrome (IBS) being lurking.

5. Often shortness of breath

Frequent shortness of breath can be caused by many things. Nevertheless, shortness of breath is generally triggered by the impaired respiratory system. For example, nose, throat, and lungs. Disorders originating from outside the lungs, such as the heart can also cause. 

If you are often shortness of breath, have short breath, and have difficulty breathing while lying, even accompanied by a voice, you should consult a doctor. Because, it can signify that you are exposed to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchitis, asthma, and pneumonia. 

6. Behavior begins to change

Not only physical signs, but the presence of diseases in the body can also cause symptoms of behavioral change. Such as the following.

  • Often confused and difficult to consult. 
  • Disorientation of place and time. 
  • Hard to remember. 
  • Aggressive or rather the faint and self-pulling. 

The four behavioral changes above can be triggered by several diseases, such as anemia, hypoglycemia, dehydration, infection, and mental disorders, in this case, depression. 

7. Often see flashes of light

Visual impairment can also indicate something is wrong in your body. If you often see flashes of light, bright spots, and vision begins to blur, it may indicate the presence of retinal ablation. These conditions can be triggered by diabetes as well. 

Retinal ablation is a condition of disconnection of the retina from the supporter network underneath. If the retinal ablation is left untreated, the greater your risk of permanent vision loss will be. 

The body has its way of conveying a condition. So, if you've felt the 7 symptoms of the disease as described above, do not delay the intention of checking the doctor before it is too late. The sooner you detect and treat, the greater your chances of recovering.

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