Best way to lose weight, want to try?

Already tried all means, but the diet still fails? Maybe you could try the best way to lose this weight.

Having a healthy and ideal body is everyone's dream. However, often to achieve that goal is not easy. Already various ways and methods of diet are done to lose weight, but the result is still not also satisfactory. So, what is the best way to lose weight?

Best way to lose weight, want to try? | GOLELY

Balanced Diet

A lot of popular dietary methods are circulating in the community, such as mayo Diet, OCD diet, and keto diets. There have been many testimonials from the dieters. The keto diet, For example, is called successfully losing weight in a short time.

Keto dieters only consume very little carbohydrate and increase fat consumption in bulk, to lose weight. However, such a diet cannot be done in the long term as it can be at risk for negative health. 

Well, the best and safest diet is a balanced diet. That is, dieters still consume all the nutrients that the body needs to complete in a balanced amount.

No particular nutrients should be consumed constantly in very many quantities. Conversely, no nutrients should be avoided at all (except for trans fatty acids whose consumption should be avoided as little as possible). 

You are advised to consume carbohydrates (50-60% of total calories), proteins (10-20%), and fats (20-30%). Do not forget also the consumption of fiber 20-30 grams a day, as well as vitamins and minerals.

Sources of carbohydrates can be obtained from rice, vermicelli, potatoes, and corn. Protein sources can be obtained from cows, chickens, fish, seafood, eggs, tofu, tempeh, and milk. Fibers, vitamins, and minerals can be obtained from vegetables and fruit.

Avoiding certain foods or eating only that type of food-that alone can cause you the risk of malnutrition. This can negatively affect health.

Say no to the Snacking!

Many people feel that he eats only a little, but Kok remains obese and can not drop-down his weight? The question is, do you still Snacking? Most likely, the answer is yes.

Many people consider that snacking is not the same as eating. The meaning of eating is a large meal involving rice. Whereas, snacks are often more likely to make plumper than the big food itself, lo!

The reason is that the snack usually consists of foods that contain high calories, namely food and beverages, fatty foods, and fried.

If you only consume three large meals as usual in a reasonable portion, you can lose weight (origin is not Snacking, yes!). An example of a daily meal, for example, at 07.00 a.m. Breakfast with one sheet of wheat bread and peanut butter, plus a glass of milk. 

For a distraction before lunch at 10.00, you can eat a banana fruit. Lunch at noon you can eat one portion of red rice (100 grams) with a one-piece dish of grilled chicken breast. Drinking water is white yes, do not sweet tea, let alone boba milk tea or coffee sweet milk plus whipped cream.

For the afternoon interlude at 15.00, you can consume two pieces of watermelon. Dinner at 18.00 You can eat a serving of 100-gram red rice with a stir-fry tofu beef and sauteed spinach. After that, do not consume anything until night's sleep.


Even if your diet is healthy, don't forget about the sport! Try to do aerobic exercise three times a week. It can be anytime you have, morning, afternoon, afternoon, evening, as long as it is done routinely. It can be any sport you like and can, like jogging, running, swimming, bike, soccer, badminton, or dancing. 

After 3 months of regular exercise, you may add a lightweight lift twice a week. For example, using a 2-3 kilogram dumbbell, which can slowly increase your weight.


This is important and should not be missed: Tekat! Before starting the diet, you have to make your determination first so that the diet can be successful. If only the origins — let alone Join the followup — are usually easy-to-scatter diets.

In addition to rounding your determination, you should also set dietary objectives, both short-term and long-term. Short-term goals, for example, you want to appear perfectly on your special days, such as graduation day or wedding. Clear objectives can improve motivation and seriousness to cling to your diet. 

Not enough just by setting a short term goal, you should also have a long term goal. Only having a short term goal can then make a diet of the road after the goal is reached.

The long term goal, you want to always be healthy to the elderly, have a long life, want to avoid osteoporosis, diabetes, stroke, or heart disease. With a clear and concrete long term goal, your diet is expected to last long and turn into a healthy lifestyle.

That's the four best ways to lose weight. Try combining the four, and see the results on your weight changes and body shape. Remember, do it a routine and consistently yes. Good luck!

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