Coronavirus can be spread through the eyes

A recent development mentions that Coronaviruses can be spread through the eyes. If this is the case, do you need to use a goggle mask?

This deadly Virus can be scattered through the eyes. Also, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recently warned that all countries in the world are on standby against coronavirus. If this is the case, do you need to use a goggle mask to protect from the virus threat that is also called 2019-nCOv?

Since the news was published (30/01), 7,783 people were infected with the Coronavirus, and the death toll increased to 170. The number of victims has continued to grow, but the good news 133 people managed to heal.

Coronavirus can be spread through the eyes | GOLELY

But one thing is certain, that Coronavirus is increasingly difficult to control its spread. The latest Update, a Finnish country far from China has confirmed that one case occurred.

In addition to Finland, the United Arab Emirates confirmed 4 cases, the Japanese 11 cases, Thailand increased to 14 cases, while the neighboring country of Singapore has confirmed as many as 10 cases and Malaysia 8 cases.

If aggregated, already more than 20 countries affected 2019-nCOv. Another updated news that you need to be aware of is that this virus can be infected through the eyes. It is not surprising if the WHO signs for each state should raise the vigilance of this contagious parasitic hazard.

"The whole world must be vigilant. Every country should take action and be ready to handle cases from suspected territories or points exposed to coronavirus, "said Dr. Michael Ryan, head of the WHO's health emergency Program.

How is the process of transmission through the eyes?

Coronaviruses can spread from humans to humans and this is indeed the case. The way of transmission can spread through the eyes.

However, if you imagine that this virus can be infected from an eye view, you are a big one! From the Daily Mail, the Coronavirus is indeed very possible "enter " through the eyes.

The virus enters through the eye if you touch your eyes after holding a person affected by corona. Such conditions are very likely to occur in medical officers treating Coronavirus patients.

Also, coronaviruses that are spread through sneezing and coughs are very likely to go through the eyes. Professor Paul Kellam, a viral expert at Imperial College London, England, said it is very likely to happen.

 "If there is a splash of sneezing on the face, you will automatically clean it starting from the eye to the nose. The eye is connected to the nose through the lacrimal gland or the tear gland, "said Prof. Kellam.

"When suffering from allergies and eyes dry, so does your nose. Or if you give the eye drops, you can still feel the taste of the fluid from the back of the throat because it is connected through the nose, "he added.

Do you need to use ' Goggle Mask '?

Professor Kellam then said, for this reason, the medical officer should wear eye protection. But is it necessary to use a ' goggle mask '?

A goggle mask is a type of eye and nose protector that is often used to play paintball. Usually, a goggle mask protects you from eye to mouth.

Actually, as a preventative action, it can be considered. Moreover, we know that the medical officers now need to close all their bodies in order not to be infected coronavirus.

As known, medical personnel are the most likely to be infected with coronaviruses. Therefore, adequate equipment is required to prevent it from happening.

Meanwhile, Prof Kellam stated that the mask alone to cover the mouth and nose is not enough because it does not protect the eyes.

Dr. Michael Head, senior researcher of global health at the University of Southampton, supported Professor Kellam's statement.

He told the Daily Mail, "The transmission has the potential to touch the eye because there is a virus in the hand, which then makes it easy to spread from one person to another."

"Just imagine like the normal flu, touching the nose, mouth, or eyes can spread the virus," he touched.

Besides having to think seriously about using ' goggle mask ', some other precautions need to be done, namely:
  • Nutritious food consumption is balanced, doing physical activity at least half an hour per day, adequate rest, and immediately medication if sick. This is especially when the disease is similar to flu symptoms, sore throat, and pneumonia.
  • Avoid traveling to contracted locations. Avoid direct contact with sufferers. Do not enter the isolation area without equipment security and protection of medical personnel.
  • If you feel that you are interacting with a fever, cough, and breathing difficulty, immediately consult a doctor at a local hospital.
  • If after returning to Indonesia shows the symptoms of fever, cough, and shortness of breath, then immediately seek treatment to the hospital.
  • Consumption of supplements to strengthen body endurance. Taking supplements that contain vitamin C and D, as well as zinc to keep immunity strong remains.
  • Don't forget to note the symptoms. Symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath (similar to severe flu and pneumonia). If such symptoms have emerged, immediately seek treatment to the hospital.
  • To reduce symptoms, not doing heavy activities, drinking plenty of water, and taking fever-lowering medications such as paracetamol.
  • Use an N95 mask or an operation mask while traveling or being in the crowd. Masks can help you be protected from airborne viruses.
  • Diligently wash your hands every from the outdoors or a place of many people.
So, a goggle mask is necessary, but it is preferable for the medical officer who directly comes into contact with coronavirus infected patients. Meanwhile, you should do the above precautions to avoid this deadly virus.