Chinese researcher identification 30 drugs to handle the Corona Virus

Continuing to eat victims, the community awaits a Coronavirus drug that is being made by a Chinese research team. It says they've identified 30 potential drugs.

The world citizen is surrounded by fear of disease outbreak caused by the Coronavirus (coronavirus or 2019-nCoV). With the continuing increase in cases of infections and casualties, the research team is racing against time to quickly find the cure.

Reported from the Xinhua site, a Chinese research team reportedly has identified at least 30 potential medications to treat coronaviruses.

Chinese researcher identification 30 drugs to handle the Corona Virus | GOLELY

Potential drug candidates for treating Coronavirus

The Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) explained that the research team has already selected 30 medicines consisting of natural products and traditional medicines typical of the state curtain bamboo.

Not working alone, CAS was also assisted by ShanghaiTech University in search of drugs through a combination of virtual screening and the enzymological test to combat the 2019-nCoV virus.

The twelve potential drugs include anti-HIV medications such as Indinavir, Saquinavir, Lopinavir, Carfilzomib and ritonavir; Two anti-viral respiratory syncytial drugs; Anti-schizophrenia drugs; and Immunopresan.

Also, some traditional Chinese medicines that may contain effective components of Coronaviruses, such as Polygonum Cuspidatum, are researched.

The medicines will then be given to patients who have symptoms of pneumonia caused by the Coronavirus. The team will conduct further tests on candidates and will be given a clinical study guide and treatment form.

Got a lot of help from many universities

China's Disease Control and Prevention Centre on Monday (27/1) released information on the first of the coronavirus strains isolated from the environmental samples. This information includes microscopic images of electrons from viruses, primary, and probes for virus detection.

Tsinghua University in Beijing also announced that it will provide resources for the research team who are working on Coronavirus treatment.

Meanwhile, Tsinghua University pharmaceutical Science School and Global Health Drug Discovery Institute will provide a screening platform and several combined libraries.

With the help of resources and data, researchers can conduct coronavirus research with a greater maximum. Relevant preclinical and clinical data sources will also help predict the effectiveness of the drug.

Don't believe Hoax's news about Corona Virus treatment

When browsing the Internet and social media, there are still many who believe hoaxes about Coronavirus drugs. One of them is garlic which he said can make the patient recover miserably, it is hoax news. Because, until now, there are still no drugs and vaccines to treat and prevent infections caused by viruses that were first detected in Wuhan.

In addition to garlic, rumors also circulated that Coronaviruses could be killed with alcohol or even by drinking bleaching fluid. This is not true!

Some have argued that vaccines were found, but the Chinese government hid them meetings. Some Western media speculate that the vaccine would later be spent at exorbitant prices.

However, now the Chinese government itself is overwhelmed and struggling desperately in handling the spread of this deadly infection.

As already mentioned, vaccines and drugs to combat coronaviruses are still being developed. While waiting, the government is still trying day and night to stop the spread of viruses, including building emergency hospitals to accommodate patients.

How to prevent transmission of Corona Virus

While waiting for good news, you are encouraged to be extra vigilant and implement preventive measures.

Preventive measures include:
  • Routine physical activities, 30 minutes per day.
  • Apply a balanced nutritious diet and more vegetable and fruit intake.
  • Wash hands using soap and water flows after from a public place, after touching the goods that many others hold, and before eating.
  • Keep the body hydrated by drinking water at least 8 glasses per day.
  • No smoking (both conventional cigarettes and electric cigarettes) and do not drink alcoholic beverages.
  • Food consumption is perfectly cooked and does not eat meat from potentially transmitted animals.
  • Keep stamina, health, and concentration with enough sleep and rest.
  • Use a mask when coughs or lids with the inner upper arm and apply the ethics of cough.
  • If you have fever, cough, cold, and shortness of breath, immediately consult a health facility.

First aid if anyone infected with Corona Virus

If anyone infected with Coronavirus, or someone has a symptom similar to that viral infection, the first aid form is:
  • Adequate rest. Do not activity first before recovering.
  • Drink plenty of water. It is recommended to drink 8 glasses per day.
  • Taking fever-lowering medications such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.
  • If the shortness of breath and the stem is severe to lead to a decline in consciousness, the better the person is immediately brought to the hospital to be isolated so as not to scatter others.

Hopefully, the research on drugs and vaccines to combat coronavirus can be completed soon.