7 Worthy Traditional Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine is often your alternative to cure or relieve symptoms of the disease. Which method is safe, huh? Check it out here!

Many people advise you to try Traditional Chinese medicine if you feel uncomfortable taking medication. However, you are still unsure about the level of security and success. Several Chinese medicines are well worth trying. What are the methods, huh?
First, identify Traditional Chinese medicine

According to the WebMD website, Traditional Chinese medicine is an ancient health and well-being system that has been implemented in China for thousands of years. If treatment of the Western way is a focus on healing the disease, this alternative treatment sees the entire patient condition.

7 Worthy Traditional Chinese medicine | GOLELY

In ancient Chinese belief, humans were microcosm beings from the universe. Therefore, it has a close relationship with nature and is subject to its strength. The balance between health and disease itself becomes the key to China's traditional treatment.

Treatments that see the Qi condition

According to the acupuncture expert of Element Healing Arts, the United States, Christina Morris, health problems arise due to the absence of a vital energy balance of the body or so-called QI.

Qi flows through a pathway called Meridian. This pathway relates to several important organ organs. Energy imbalance can make the Qi flow obstructed. That's why disease arises. Well, this traditional Chinese medicine manipulates energy so that the balance recovers and creates health and well-being.

In the Chinese community's belief, everything has two distinct sides of the opposition. These two-sided clashes and imbalances are causing health disorders. The concept of these two opposite sides is called Yin and yang.

Yin is described as night, dark, woman, cold and negative. As for that, it is analog old as day, light, man, warm, and positive. If the two are not balanced, eating will appear negative things. It includes health disorders.

A safe method of Chinese medicine

Christina Morris admits sometimes methods of traditional Chinese medicine use unusual ways. Tend to be strange. Here are some of the most secure methods of Chinese medicine. The treatment is designed to help patients achieve and maintain their health.

1. Acupuncture

According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, the United States, acupuncture is a practice technique to stimulate the specific point that exists in your body. Generally, this method is done by probing the needle to the dots.

At least there are 2000 acupuncture points in the body. This acupuncture technique is believed to be able to restore the balance between yin and yang. This makes a normal flow of energy or qi can flow throughout the body to restore health and mind.

2. Moksiplugs

Christina Morris explains the technique of traditional Chinese medicine using an herb called mugwort. This herb is then burned over the acupuncture points of the body. The process of burning the herb in these motions is considered to be healthy and strengthening QI.

In a study published by Scientific Reports in 2016, believing traditional medicine techniques of MotionPlus and acupuncture can reduce the level of one's fatigue. In fact, in the study in 2015, this method is considered to reduce neck pain caused by cervical spondylosis in short and long periods.

3. Tui Na Massage

Reported from Healthline, Tui Na is a technique of massaging using hand Mempehatikan acupuncture points that exist in the body. But the difference is that this massage therapy only uses hand movements and pressure on the fingers.

This form of Tui Na method has been used in China for centuries. In a special session, the patient remains dressed and seated in a chair. The masseuse will ask a series of questions and then start treatment. Masseuses can use herbal compresses, ointments, and heat to improve this technique. Tui na is best suited for treating chronic pain and musculoskeletal conditions.

4. Cupping

Based on the Jermy Pulsifer explanation, acupuncture doctors and Chinese medicine from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, USA, cupping techniques require glass or plastic container that will later be placed on the skin. These containers are useful for creating vacuum equipment to draw blood to the surface of the skin.

The taste is the same as the massage. The difference is, however, that the cupping technique leaves the former round red that will last for some time after application. This cupping technique is suitable for overcoming pain, respiratory distress, increased circulation and accelerating the detoxification process.

5. Oral Herbal Remedies

What are the ingredients of the herbal herb in traditional Chinese medicine? Generally, the herb comes from a variety of leaves, roots, stems, flowers, and seeds of crops. The seeds of the plant are, for example, cinnamon bark, ginger, ginseng, licorice, and rhubarb. Ginseng is a widely used ingredient for Chinese herbal herbs.

Then how do I consume it? Do not confuse, if you are advised to consume Chinese herbs, usually experts will make it in a certain form. For example, it is brewed like tea, capsules, liquid extracts, or powders. It suits your tastes as well.

6. Auriculotherapy

Christina Morris said a certain point on the outside of the ears is still related to other organs. The dots are used in auriculotherapy techniques. This method to activate certain points is considered to bring relief for health disorders.

This stimulation can use fingers, metal pellet pressure, small magnets, or grains pasted at the acupuncture point. Based on research, this traditional method of auriculotherapy can help overcome insomnia.

7. Tai Chi

Reported from WebMD, this traditional Chinese medicine is a slow-motion sport. Why slowly? This is because Tai Chi focuses on breathing. Typically, Tai Chi will incorporate certain postures, gentle movements, mental focus, breathing, and relaxation.

From several studies, it was found that Tai Chi could improve balance and stability in the elderly and people with Parkinson's disease, relieve pain due to osteoarthritis of the knee, help people cope with fibromyalgia and back pain.

If you do Tai chi routinely, it can improve the quality of life and mood. It can help to care and recovery of people experiencing heart failure.

Although safe, traditional Chinese medicine is not a substitute for modern medical treatment. Especially for serious and severe disease. This method of treatment can be complementary to your medical care only. Do not forget to tell your doctor or medical personnel if you are doing traditional Chinese medicine.