Garlic can heal the Coronavirus, what's right?

Circulating news that garlic can heal the coronavirus. Is that true?

The spread of the increasingly difficult Coronavirus is dammed to make many people worried. However, there are a handful of people precisely making hoax related to how to cure this disease. One of them is garlic which he said can heal. In fact nonsense.

The story of garlic can cure a virus corona circulated message on WhatsApp. Meanwhile, it appears also in some other social media, such as Facebook.

Garlic can heal the Coronavirus, what's right? | GOLELY

Here's a message about garlic that he said can cure Coronavirus:

 "It's big garlic take 8 seeds, peeled skin is placed bowl 7 cups boiling water for 3 minutes after it was drunk directly 2 glasses, apparently the patient who hit Corona Virus cured on the second day/after the night drinking this garlic water ".

How is the truth about garlic for the coronavirus? It is a mere hoax until now it has not even found a cure for Coronaviruses, including its vaccine. This is different from existing influenza viruses and is updated every year. 

Hoax regarding garlic is said to cure coronavirus made by irresponsible people. This is precisely the cause of new unrest among many people.

More Hoax rows about Corona Virus

If there is a thing that is being a trend in the world, there must be some hoaxes that surround it. Hoax it's like "seasoning " in everything that concerns the crowd.

Let's find out what hoaxes appear related to coronaviruses that are being plundered in some countries:

1. Corona Virus is a biological weapon of China

Either a Hollywood film or other fictional story. However, not few consider that this virus was disseminated by the Chinese government to destroy mankind. It's part of their efforts to dominate the world.

This hoax spread mentioned there is a vaccine of coronaviruses, just stored by the Chinese government. However, the site FactCheck [dot] org reports that it's all nonsense aka hoax!

2. Corona Virus kills hundreds of thousands of people

Wow, the intention once that makes hoax about this! Previously circulated information that 23 million people were quarantined, while 112 thousand died due to this new coronavirus. Very awesome info on this.

But in fact, this is a big lie! To this day (28/01) data from China's National Health Commission that 4,474 infected and 107 who died. Far away not from the hoaxes previously mentioned with no responsibility.

Other Data, 6,973 became Corona suspect virus. Meanwhile, 63 people managed to heal, 914 people are repatriated from the hospital because it is proven not to experience the virus. Meanwhile, 44,312 people are still in medical observation.

3. There are vaccines but expensive

This is also there. Many people say, especially Western media, the already overdo hate with China said that the vaccine is there. However, it will be sold at an expensive price for their economic income.

The Government of China itself is overwhelmed by the number of coronaviruses. They still struggle desperately to find the vaccine.

As already mentioned, the Coronavirus vaccine is still continuously developed. Also, another fact is that the Chinese government is now building a hospital for people who are positively affected by this virus.

That is the hoaxes that accompany the spread of the terrible coronavirus. Do not swallow the raw things that are not necessarily true related to this virus. Not to underestimate this virus, so you should not scare or give false hopes to others. 

To avoid news from Corona's hoax virus and other health information,
You can immediately ask the professional doctors. Keep healthy always, yes!