How to treat Anemia in pregnant women

Anemia in pregnant women is a condition that should not be allowed. Therefore, find out how to deal with it here!

Anemia in pregnant women is one of the conditions that should not be ignored. The reason, anemia can interfere with and cause a variety of harmful complications for mothers and infants. For this to happen, how does hell cope with anemia in pregnant women?

How to treat Anemia in pregnant women | GOLELY

Conditions of anemia in pregnant women

When pregnant, you have a high risk of anemia. That is, it does not have enough red blood cells to deliver oxygen to the body tissues. This is caused during pregnancy you need double the amount of iron required women are not pregnant.

Reported from American Pregnancy, your body needs a lot of iron to make more blood to supply oxygen to your baby. If you do not have enough iron reserves or get an iron intake during pregnancy, you can experience iron deficiency anemia.

The cause of a pregnant mother has anemia, especially in developing countries such as Indonesia is very diverse. It starts from the malnourished condition, lack of iron intake, folic acid, and adequate vitamins during pregnancy.

On the other hand, its high expectant mothers who experience infections, such as malaria and worms. This can be attacked at any time.

Some symptoms of anemia in pregnant women are pale skin, often complaining of dizziness and headaches, loss of appetite, cold hands and feet, a firefly's eye, and experiencing shortness of breath.

When not handled, various complications in mothers and infants may occur. Starting from the risk of miscarriage, premature childbirth, until the baby is born with a low weight. Infants who are born prematurely and have low birth weight certainly increase the risk of infant mortality.

Not only that, but anemia also increases the risk of death in mothers. This is due to the bleeding of the street born after the gestational age of more than 29 weeks, and bleeding that occurs after birth.

This bleeding occurs because mothers easily experience muscle fatigue during the childbirth or absence of uterine muscle contractions. Continuing bleeding can lead to a very life-threatening shock condition.

How to overcome anemia in pregnant women

That is why pregnant women need to cope with the symptoms of anemia. Some of the ways that can be done are: 

  • Consumption of high intake of iron

As in general anemia, pregnant women are also required to consume high iron foods. 

Iron is a necessary body for production and red blood flow can run well. Sources of iron such as beef, chicken, fish, eggs, wheat, and nuts are good to be consumed by pregnant mothers regularly.

  • Increase folic acid

Doctor Dejandra also advised pregnant women to consume foods that contain high folic acid. For example, Almon nuts, cashews, green vegetables (spinach, broccoli, kale), dried grains, and dried fruits. 

  • Blood transfusions if necessary

If anemia caused the expectant mother to lose a lot of blood, one of the most appropriate ways to overcome it is by obtaining a blood transfusion. This is important, especially if the Hb level is already below 6 mg/dL.

The cause of blood loss can vary. For example, wounds in the gastrointestinal tract, such as the intestines or anus, resulting in bowel movements or blood vomiting. Inappropriate intake of anti-inflammatory drugs or painkillers can also injure the stomach, causing injuries and bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

The best way to cope with anemia in pregnant women is to find out the main cause. Therefore, if you have any signs and symptoms of anemia, you should consult a gynecologist immediately. Also, regularly checking the pregnancy condition to detect health problems is faster.