Knowing the causes and risk factors of lower eye bleeding

The lower eye-bleeding on the white part of the eyes generally looks creepy. Although it does not hurt, what is the reason for blood patches on the white part of the eye?

When mirrored, have you seen the white areas of your eyes have red patches like blood? What exactly do you see the condition of the eye hemorrhage in others? What about causing blood spots in this eye?

Knowing the causes and risk factors of lower eye bleeding | GOLELY

Causes of bleeding or blood spots in the lower eye

Blood discharge from under the eye is referred to as a condition of subconjunctival bleeding. The cause of this hemorrhage occurs when the blood vessels in the sclera or the white part of the eye have been broken.

The sclera is generally protected by the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is a clear tissue that also contains many small veins. In addition to covering sclera, the conjunctiva also coats the inner eyelid. 

This transparent conjunctiva is useful for dispending fluids to protect and lubricate your eyes.

Well, when the blood vessels in the lower white part of the eye are broken, blood will seep out between the conjunctiva and sclera. Finally, the blood accumulates in the chamber between sclera and the conjunctival layer forming red patches.

Bleeding between the sclera and the conjunctiva of the lower eye is generally characterized by bright red spots or even bigger. In some people who see this condition is likely to be immediately anxious and panicked. But not to worry, this bleeding condition will not cause blood fluid until it comes out of under your eyes.

Subconjunctival Under-eye bleeding is also generally harmless and can heal by itself. 

Does bleeding in the eye below cause symptoms?

Symptoms of subconjunctival hemorrhage usually only cause bright red spots in the white part of the eye alone. If you are experiencing this under-eye bleeding, it should not have any changes or no pain in the condition.

What are the causes of bleeding in the lower eye?

The main cause of subconjunctival bleeding is due to rupture of blood vessels in the sclera or conjunctiva. However, some other things can be a risk factor of blood vessels rupture and cause red patches on the eyes, namely:

1. Increased pressure in the body

Conditions such as cough, sneezing, straining hard when defecating, vomiting, or lifting heavy weights can essentially increase the pressure in the body. This increase in body pressure can cause rupture of small blood vessels, including the lower part of the eye.

2. Certain diseases

The condition of the disease you are experiencing basically can also cause subconjunctival bleeding. Some of these are diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, and arteriosclerosis or the buildup of fat in arterial blood vessels.

3. Blood-thinning drugs

Without realizing it, there are some medicines that when consumed can cause blood vessels to break easily. Such medicines include blood thinners (heparin, warfarin) and aspirin.

4. Asthma

When suffering from asthma, the chest cavity will suffer from high pressure to overcome harsh air barriers. This high pressure will cause small and fragile blood vessels in the body, one of them in the eye, so it is prone to rupture. 

Also, the cause of the undereye bleeding caused by asthma or whooping cough occurs. Pertussis is a condition in which a cough occurs repeatedly. When coughing asthma, indirectly the body will withstand breathing pressure and can cause blood vessels in the eye to rupture.

5. Trauma

Trauma or injuries that cause chest cavity and stomach distress in an accident can cause increased blood pressure. As blood pressure increases, bleeding in the lower eye can be easily occurring. 

Also, eye trauma can lead to bleeding. One of the factors causing the lower eye-bleeding can result when you use a contact lens, how to wear and remove less precise contact lenses can lead to micro rips in your eye section. 

How to overcome bleeding in the lower eye?

Subconjunctival bleeding in the lower eye is generally able to heal on its own without any medication. However old recovery depends on how much bleeding occurs. 

Subconjunctival bleeding can take several days to several weeks to heal. The fresh red blood will slowly turn into brown color, then yellow, and eventually disappear. 

If the eyes are uncomfortable and irritated, you can give a teardrop medication at the pharmacy to relieve the symptoms. If you experience subconjunctival bleeding repeatedly and often, you should immediately check with a doctor.

An ophthalmologist will advise you to perform several tests to determine the cause while examining your health history which may trigger bleeding in the lower eye.

If you do have some of the risk factors mentioned above, check with your doctor immediately. The doctor will then examine and provide a preventative way to prevent the bleeding of the eyes. The treatment of this condition should also only be done if the lower eye-bleeding occurs repeatedly, causing other symptoms, as well as affecting other serious health conditions.