When chickenpox, can use the powder in the body?

You may have sprinkled an anti-itching powder when exposed to chickenpox. But, is this safe?

Chickenpox is one of the most common diseases affecting children. Not only children, adults who do not have immunity to the viral chickenpox can also be infected.

Chickenpox is caused by the Varicella virus and is generally only experienced once in a lifetime. Very rarely have people suffer from chickenpox a second time.

When chickenpox, can use the powder in the body? | GOLELY

You can be infected with chickenpox when exposed to the virus (can be through coughing, sneezing, saliva, or any fluid contained in skin supples). Symptoms arise approximately 3 weeks after exposure.

Before the watery bending is raised in the skin, you can experience fever, muscle aches, headaches, and decreased appetite. Although the symptoms of chickenpox are relatively harmless to children, the itching that is inflicted by lending-lending in the skin can be distracting.

To relieve itching, many people use powder for chickenpox. However, can chickenpox be given a powder?

Can use powder, origin...

Can chickenpox be given a powder? It is possible if you want to use a powder for chickenpox to reduce itching due to the bending of lending.

You can wear a normal baby powder or a powder that contains calamine or mild menthol to relieve itching. Lotions (whipped powder) containing calamine can also be used.

Moreover, the use of chickenpox in lending powder can also reduce friction so that lending is not easily broken. Try not to scratch or peel the lending, as it can make wounds that can be infected by bacteria.

If there is already lending is peeling, do not apply the powder to the area because it can cause inflammation and infection.

How to treat chickenpox

Chickenpox is a disease that can heal by itself, as long as the sufferer is resting sufficiently and consuming nutritious food to help recovery.

Also, some medications can be consumed to alleviate symptoms, such as fever medications and itchy medications. Antiviral drugs are not needed, except for certain cases.

In order not to transmit it to other people, chickenpox sufferers must be isolated at home. This needs to be done because the chickenpox is very infectious or contagious.

Prevent chickenpox

Rather than pain, it is better to prevent than cure. Therefore, water pox vaccination is very important to do. You can bring a child to vaccinate chickenpox when he has already turned 12 months old.

Also, keep your body endurance well. Essentially, a person's immune system affects whether or not one is affected by a disease.

To increase endurance, you can do many ways, such as:

  • Nutritious food consumption balanced. Reduce foods that contain saturated fats. Lots of vegetables and fruits.
  • Sleep enough. Avoid being, let alone do it too often. Adults are recommended to sleep 7 – 8 hours each day.
  • Manage Stress. Life is too short for you to get busy with negative thoughts. Take time to relax every day. For example, by reading a book, watching a movie, or hanging out with fun people.

Being exposed to chickenpox is not only difficult for you, but also family. To do this, always do a healthy lifestyle to improve your body's endurance. Remember, the higher the body endurance, the more likely it is to be infected.

If later infected, you should not hesitate to use chickenpox powder to reduce itchy complaints. However, you should still try to increase your immunity so that chickenpox can heal immediately.