Know more about vegan diets

Now, it reappears a new diet called vegan diets. Let's get to know more about this type of diet that is the paleo and vegan combination.

In recent years, various types of diets sprung. Now, there is another new diet called vegan diets. You who often try a variety of diets, of course tingling to try this diet.

A healthy diet is a balanced diet, good carbohydrate, protein, and fat. As known, milk, grains or legumes are included in the protein that the body needs. But apparently, some of these components are precisely avoided in vegan diets.

Know more about vegan diets | GOLELY

The appearance of the enjoys diet is not separated from the release of the Paleo and vegan diets in recent years. A dietician from the United States named Dr. Mark Hyman, M. D then tried to merge the two.

However, the question is, is not paleo and vegans are two types of the opposite diet? Paleo is a diet that focuses on meat consumption, while people who run vegan diets opt-out of animal products altogether. Then, how could both be combined?

Essentially, through a vegan diet, Dr. Hyman aims to offer the best of both Paleo and vegan diets. The enjoys Diet suggests filling 75 percent of your plates with vegetable food and 25 percent with lean meat.

According to Dr. Hyman, eating in this way can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, curb inflammation, and improve health in general.

Let's get acquainted with the Vegan diets

From, Dr. Hyman's Paleo and vegan combinations come from ideas based on several studies that have indicated that paleo and vegan diets can help lose weight, expel diabetes, and lower cholesterol.

Dr. Hyman himself hasn't written any books that specifically explain the Pegan diet. However, interest in this diet has spawned several cookbooks, blog posts, and social media groups that provide prescriptions and insights related to guidelines.

However, it should also be noted that the enjoys diet has been criticized for not suggesting consuming milk, grain, and nuts. In fact, many nutritionists believe all kinds of such foods provide the key nutrients that should be incorporated into a healthy diet.

Unlike some other diets, the enjoys diet does not provide strict rules for what to eat during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The main principle of enjoys diets is included in choosing foods with low glycemic charge.

Then you have to choose grass-fed meat, avoiding foods that contain chemicals, additives, and pesticides. You should also get a lot of healthy fats like omega-3 and unsaturated fats, as well as organic foods.

Food-food avoided on vegan diets

A enjoys diet is more flexible than a paleo or vegan diet because it allows almost the same food intake every time. However, some foods are usually avoided on vegan diets, namely: 

1. Milk

Cow's milk, yogurt, and cheese are not recommended. However, food made from sheep or dairy goats is still permitted in limited quantities.

2. Gluten

All grains containing gluten are strongly discouraged.

3. Gluten-Free grains

In fact, grains that do not contain gluten are not recommended. Only a small amount of gluten-free grains may be allowed occasionally.

4. Legum

Most of the legumes are not recommended due to its potency in boosting blood sugar. Low-starch legumes, such as lentils, can be allowed.

5. Sugar

Any form of sugar that is added, whether crushed or not, is usually avoided. Sugar can still be used occasionally, but with very little portions.

6. Refined Oil

Refined oils, such as canola, soybeans, sunflower, and corn oil, are almost always avoided.

7. Additional Dietary substances

It is like food additives, artificial dyes, seasoning, and preservatives.

Pros and cons of vegan diets

His name is diet, when it is revealed, will definitely reap the pros and cons that are quite a debate. 

For the pros, they believe that this diet is good because it is full of fruits and vegetables. It's been a common secret if a healthy diet contains lots of fruits and vegetables.

Also, this diet suggests consuming foods with a low glycemic index. A enjoys Diet encourages its users to get educated about foods that help stabilize blood sugar, as the ups and downs of blood sugar can have a dangerous effect. This can be a positive thing, especially for those suffering from diabetes, pre-diabetes, and other insulin-related conditions.

Meanwhile, the cons say that this diet does not have good nutrients. Dr. Hyman points to several studies supporting his belief that food groups containing milk and grains are harmful, as well as contributing to heart disease, obesity, cancer, and diabetes. 

However, in the world of larger nutritionists, no one mentions it. During this time, milk and grains are precisely considered to be beneficial to health.

Although milk sometimes gets bad pressure due to the saturated fat content that can cause heart disease, a large-scale study of 2016 reveals that milk fats are not associated with the risk of cardiovascular disease. 

Also, cow's milk contains a lot of calcium, protein, potassium, and vitamin D — the nutrients that are all necessary for general health.

Nuts and grains are also considered to provide many health benefits. An important study of 2016 confirms that grain consumption lowers the risk of heart disease, cancer, and all causes of death. While for nuts, it has been widely accepted as a healthy food because of its fiber, protein, and phytochemical content.

But on the Vegan diet, the food ingredients are precisely avoided. This is what makes a enjoys diet considered susceptible to nutritional deficiencies. Because, when you are not consuming a major food group, you must be deficient in certain key nutrients.

Just like when you undergo other diet programs, if you are interested in running a vegan diet, it would be better if you consult with a nutritionist. Thus the results you get will be more optimal.

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