6 unexpected causes of weight loss drastically

Not only because of the strict diet, but the causes of weight loss drastic can also occur due to this harmful disease.

Weight loss may be a distinct pride for those who are on a diet. One or two pounds, maybe that's what you'd expect. However, if the weight drops drastically more than that, the condition must be wary of. Because the cause can be a disease that needs medical treatment.

The weight loss of five percent (from body weight) over six months is a sign of a health disorder.

6 unexpected causes of weight loss drastically | GOLELY

Health disorders cause weight loss drastically 

Here are some of the health disorders that could cause weight loss drastically:


In addition to causing increased blood sugar, diabetes can also drastically lose weight even if you are not doing a diet program. 

Patients with type 1 diabetes will usually experience drastic weight loss. This is because the immune system will attack the cells in the pancreas, which is a container for making insulin.

Without adequate insulin, the body will not use lactose (blood sugar) to produce energy, so that its level in the blood becomes high.

The kidneys will remove unused lactose through urine, and the blood sugar coming out through urine will act as a calorie reliever in the body. The impact, the weight will decrease as time progresses.


The presence of cancer cells that grow in the body can create an inflammatory process that encourages the occurrence of muscle reduction and disrupts the hormone that regulates appetite.

Therefore, the body so felt pain, weakness and unexcited, and the desire to eat so reduced. As a result, weight loss could significantly decrease.

Not only that, when you rest, cancer also makes the burning of energy and fat increasing. Therefore, generally, cancer patients will experience weight loss every day.


Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland is overactive. One of the things that can happen as a result of this condition is the process of burning calories that lasts faster.

Therefore, people who experience hyperthyroidism can drastically lose weight even if they are not in a diet program.

Gastrointestinal tract Disease 

Some disorders of the gastrointestinal tract can also cause weight to drop drastically.

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract such as inflammatory bowel disease and pancreatitis cause permanent damage to the pancreatic organs.


The disease is caused by a bacterial infection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and can be transmitted over the air. The symptoms are a persistent cough that does not heal (more than 3 weeks), blood cough, chest pain, fever, and easy to get tired. Also, people with tuberculosis can experience a decrease in body weight without a clear cause.

Severe depression

A person who is severely depressed can experience drastic weight loss. Because depression can affect the part of the brain that functions in controlling appetite. Therefore, depression can make the appetite less, so that weight can shrink rapidly.

Although weight loss can be good news, if it decreases drastically despite not being dieting, accompanied by complaints of headaches, limps, gastrointestinal disorders, cough, and fever, it is best to make appointments with a doctor. The sooner the cause is detected and treated, the condition can be immediately resolved or controlled before causing further complications.

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