How to prevent Hamstring injuries

Hamstring injuries can be very disruptive to your sporting activity. Let's find out how to prevent it.

For soccer fans, you'll often hear the words of hamstring injuries. This injury is indeed one of the problems that often lurk the footballer. So, how do you prevent it to be safe when exercising?

How to prevent Hamstring injuries | GOLELY

Know the muscular hamstring

The hamstring is the muscles that are in the back thigh. These large muscles function to connect the muscles and bones, which are located behind the thighs, extending from the hips to the lower part of the knee.

Hamstring itself is essentially not too widely used when standing or walking. However, these muscles will be very active when used in activities involving knee bending movements, such as running and jumping.

Then no wonder, the athlete becomes a soft target of this injury.

When an injury occurs, such as a pull or a tear, one can feel very pain in the back of the thigh.

Usually, the sufferer will feel pain in the back of the thigh, bruising, swelling, and difficulty in moving the back muscles of the thighs. On the other hand, the recovery time of the injury is also relatively long and once exposed can relapse.

Additionally, a hamstring injury has three levels. The first level, the occurrence of mild traction in the muscles so that the muscle strength to move is reduced. In the second level, some muscles will be torn, causing pain and strength to move to decrease.

Meanwhile, the third level is the most severe stage. That is, there is a full tear in muscles that makes a great pain and the muscles almost lose all its strength to move normally. 

When you are experiencing hamstring muscle injury, immediately do:

  • Resting the muscles involved
  • Cooling with the ice sore areas, especially in the early-early injuries
  • Pressing the diseased area with elastic bandages
  • Wear a cane if pain occurs while walking
  • Stretch with slowly thighs and hips
  • Physical Therapy
  • Surgery, which is done if the muscles are experiencing a tear

Prevents hamstring injuries

Remember, the perfect healing process of hamstring injuries takes a long time. Therefore, it is best to prevent these injuries from occurring. Some of the things you can do are:

  • Stretch before exercising, whatever your exercise choice. Stretching is the most potent way to
  • Stretch before exercising, whatever your exercise choice. Stretching is the most potent way to prevent muscle injury. Usually, when muscle sports are used to multiply from normal.
  • The duration of stretching depends on the type of exercise you are doing, the heavier your sport, the longer the stretch time you need.
  • After stretching, do also warm up. Heating is not the same as stretching. The purpose of heating is to prepare the body as a whole for sporting activities while stretching focuses on muscle preparation.
  • Exercise according to your body's ability, do not impose if the body is not ready. You can continue to perform heavier workouts after going through multiple stages of a gradual exercise frequency.
  • Use the right shoes while exercising. The right shoes can reduce the risk of injury.

When exercising. The right shoes can reduce the risk of injury. 

Keep the body's fitness condition so that muscles don't get tired. This is one of them that can be done by fulfilling adequate nutritional intake.

These are some of the ways you can prevent hamstring injuries from exercising. Remember, this injury is an injury that can be prolonged and can relapse. Therefore, ripe preparations are key to avoiding injuries.

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