Easy body bruising? This causes and how to overcome it

Easy bruising can be a symptom of a disease. Therefore, you need to know the cause and the way to overcome it before it has been severe.

Falling hard objects or dropping in certain positions can cause bruising in the body. However, when the body is easily bruising or bruising often appears suddenly without a clear cause, this needs to be wary of. The reason is, the cause may be a disease of course and how to handle it needs doctor help.

Bruising is usually characterized by a blue spotting, can feel soft or swollen during the first appearance. Bruising occurs when small blood vessels called capillaries to rupture. Blood from the capillaries leak into soft tissues under the skin and cause changes in skin discoloration to blue.

Easy body bruising? This causes and how to overcome it | GOLELY

Easily bruising causes

Easy bruising can be a sign that the body is unable to form a blood clot. These events are usually represented by certain diseases, such as:

  • Cushing's syndrome, which is a collection of symptoms arising from excessively high levels of the hormone cortisol
  • End-stage kidney disease
  • Experiencing blood clotting disorders due to factor II, V, VII, or X deficiency
  • Hemophilia A (deficiency factor VIII)
  • Hemophilia B (factor IX deficiency)
  • Leukemia
  • Liver disease
  • The number of low platelets or platelet dysfunction
  • Malnutrition
  • Von Willebrand Disease

In addition to the above medical conditions, the consumption of certain medications in the long term can also be an easy cause of bruising. Some of the drugs are intended for example aspirin, anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, and antibiotics.

These medications may reduce blood ability to clot. As a consequence, bleeding due to capillary damage took longer to close, so the blood was "leaking" and caused a large bruising area.

How to overcome bruising

Some of the efforts you can take as a first-aid act when the body is bruising:

  • R.I.C. E method

When new bruises begin to form, you can apply the R.I.C. E method to help overcome them. What is R.I.C.E? It stands for rest (resting), ice (Ice comes), compression (pressing presses), and elevation (placing a slightly higher bruising area of the body).

With the R.I.C. E technique, blood flow in the body that is bruising will be reduced, resulting in excessive swelling and bruising can be avoided.

  • The medicines contain vitamin K

Adequate amounts of Vitamin K can help the blood clotting process. You can get these benefits by applying the medicines that contain vitamin K in the part that bruises. Read and obey the use of rules to avoid unwanted side effects.

  • Eating oranges

Oranges have flavonoid content — a type of antioxidant — with quite high levels. A study found that the substance could help cure recurrent bruises, especially in the elderly.

If in the way the complaint does not improve in a few days, or the bruising that occurs covers a large area and accompanied by great bleeding, you should immediately take treatment to the doctor. This kind of bruising condition requires immediate medical assistance.

Also, you are strongly encouraged to have a doctor's check if the condition of bruising has the following criteria:

  • Bruising occurs suddenly and more often arises than before
  • Bruises accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, limp body, or significant skin discoloration
  • Bruising occurs just after you take medication
  • Bruising feels very painful even if not palpable

Bruising can be a natural response to the body when experiencing a collision or falling with a certain position. However, when the body is easy to bruise and often appears suddenly without a clear cause, the complaint can be backed by a dangerous disease, which is not impossible to require immediate medical assistance.

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