Recognizing healthy body traits in women

As a woman, sometimes you are curious whether you have a healthy body or not. In addition to medical examinations, below are some healthy body traits in women that can be recognized.

Recognizing healthy body traits in women | GOLELY

Having a healthy body is important for everyone, especially women. The reason, if not, the woman will be difficult also give birth to a healthy nation's successor. Routine health screening and early detection are encouraged. However, outside of the examination, there are also healthy body traits in women that can be generally recognized, among others:

  • Regular menstrual cycles

The first healthy body characteristic of a woman is to have a regular menstrual cycle. Normal menstrual cycles range between 21-35 days and last for 3-7 days. When you have such a pattern, then your ovulation is normal and your hormones are balanced.

  • Painful menstruation does not feel excessive

In addition to regular menstrual cycles, you should also pay attention to whether during menstruation, the pain is excessive or not. Because painful menstruation is very severe, it can be caused by disorders in the reproductive organs. 

Cramping is felt not like cramps usually and lasts longer. Even when menstruation has been completed, the pain reduction is not significant. Meanwhile, normal pain only lasts for 12 to 72 hours. 

  • Not weak or energized

Women who are deficient in iron or other vitamins and minerals will usually look pale, lengthy, and not energetic. Well, if nutrition intake is fulfilled and often physical activities, then the body will energize. And that's the hallmark of healthy women. 

  • Rare headaches 

Headaches are often experienced by most people. The pain is the effect of less normal stress or muscle tension. In healthy people, usually, headaches only take a while and the frequency is not frequent. If headaches are too often sudden, even to interfere with activity, it is best to check with a doctor immediately. 

  • Don't have much acne

In addition to the less clean living patterns (rarely cleanse the face or like mutually skincare/make up), the number of acne on the face signifies hormonal disorders. If you feel you have been diligent in cleansing the face and take care of yourself, but acne is still stubborn, it is better to consult the doctor.

  • Thick Hair and healthy nails

Aside from the skin that does not breakouts, thick and strong hair while the nails are fast-growing and not easily broken is a sign that you have good health. That's because, thin hair and brittle nails signify your iron deficiency, vitamin D, and other nutrients.

  • No skin problems 

If your facial skin is dry accompanied by acne, even like peeling or often reddish itching, it also signifies there is something wrong on your skin. Instead of letting it, it's better to consult a dermatologist. To avoid getting worse, do not forget to always apply moisturizers, either gel or lotion. 

  • Clear Eyes

If the white part of your eyeball is no red stroke and does not have a dark circle that is too striking under the eye, it can signify that you have rested enough. If the rest is enough, automatic endurance is also more awake. 

Eyes are the windows of the soul, from the eyes, you can see whether the person is sick, healthy, happy, or sad even depressed.

  • Urination and smooth bowel movements

Not only the menstrual cycles that must be smooth, urination and bowel movements should be smooth if you want to be considered to have a healthy body. Urination and defecation smoothly signify that your gastrointestinal tract is not problematic, the intake of fiber is fulfilled, and has no renal impairment or urinary tract infections.

  • No bad Breath 

Not only related to dental and oral health, but just bad breath is also a sign of health in general. Fresh breath can indicate that the microbes in the gut are balanced. Meanwhile, bad breath can be a sign that there are hidden diseases, such as diabetes, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), to kidney disorders.

  • Ideal body weight 

To complement the above, the last feature of a healthy woman is to have an ideal body weight. You can count them using a Body Mass Index (BMI). 

The formula is the weight of the multiplication result divided from the height (meters) times the height (BB kilograms: (TB meter x TB meters)). If the result is less than 18.5, then your body is too thin. If the result is 18.5-22.9, then you have the ideal weight. On top of that, means you're overweight. 

It is a healthy body trait in women who are generally recognizable. Nevertheless, that can give definitive and specific results is a medical examination of hospitals and laboratories. So, it will be more maximal if you routinely conduct medical check-ups with a doctor to know the real health condition.

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