Know the signs will faint

By recognizing signs of blackouts you can better prepare before they faint so that no injuries happen.

Fainting also known as a Sinkop is a condition that a person loses consciousness while causing you to fall. To avoid injury from the floor, you should know the signs of fainting. Many triggers cause a person to faint. Although some people have fainted because of the harmless symptoms, you should not underestimate them! Because a faint condition can be caused by serious illness. 

Know the signs will faint | GOLELY

Know signs of fainting

Generally, fainting due to a lack of oxygen levels in the brain. One of the risks of fainting is to knock or get hurt as you fall. This is very likely to happen and can add to the complaint. If you can recognize an unconscious sign, you can put yourself in a safe position before it passes out. For example, sit in a soft place to help the blood flow to the brain. Or lie with a raised leg. If the lying position is not possible, you can sit with a head position on the lap between the two knees.

But not everyone will experience certain signs before they faint. Although it is felt, a lot of signs can arise. Various signs that can be felt before fainting for example:
  • Cold Sweat
  • Blurred vision
  • Headaches, dizziness, or the sensation of the room or surroundings you are spinning
  • Feeling weak and shaky
  • Nausea, which can be accompanied by vomiting
  • Rapid and deep breathing, shortness of breath
  • Confusion
  • Ear-ringing, also known as tinnitus
  • Numbness or tingling in the area around the mouth or fingers
  • Bluish skin

Loss of consciousness when blackouts generally last only briefly, approximately 20 seconds. However, after consciousness, you may be able to feel confusion or fatigue for 20-30 minutes afterward. Therefore, having unconscious from the unconscious does not need to wake up in a hurry.


Unconscious triggers can be caused by various health conditions. Blackouts can be caused by problems in the heart (Neurocardiogenic) system, which leads to the decline of blood pressure, slow heartbeat. The trigger is often emotional, such as hearing the shocking news, seeing the terrifying thing (e.g. blood), excessive shyness. However, it can also be caused to stand or be in a hot area for a long time.

Blackouts can also be triggered by a more physical nature, known as an occupational fainting or situational syncope. Trigger For example laughing, defecating, cough, sneezing, etc.

Furthermore, fainting can be triggered orthostatic hypotension is a decrease in blood pressure due to a rapid standing from the sitting or lying position. Trigger For example:
  • Lack of fluid, including lack of drinking, excessive sweating due to being in hot environments, etc. When you lack fluid, blood pressure will tend to fall. The decline in blood pressure can lead to blood flow that is rich in oxygen reaches the brain.
  • Diabetes with blood sugar is not controlled. Diabetics generally often urinate, so it can cause a body to lack fluid. Also, an uncontrolled state of blood sugar can cause nerve damage, such as nerves that play a role in blood pressure settings.
  • Consumption of certain drugs and alcohol.
  • Lastly, fainting can also cause problems in the heart. For example, heart attack, heart rhythm disorder or arrhythmia, high blood pressure, etc.
So, if you often experience blackouts, it's good to recognize signs so that you can prevent further complaints. However, it would be better if the faint trigger can be recognized so that fainting does not occur repeatedly.

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