Ways to start a healthy lifestyle

Want to start a healthy lifestyle but don't know how to do it? Don't confuse it! Put your determination, then apply the following steps.

To avoid various diseases that can attack shortly or in old age, a healthy lifestyle is key. The intention of a healthy life is good. However, many are confused about where to start a healthy lifestyle.

Many health information access can be utilized if you want to start a healthy life. But still, the intention is merely an intention, because its realization is often difficult. Many people who don't know have to start a healthier life from where.

Ways to start a healthy lifestyle | GOLELY

Needless to be confused, here are the steps that can help you in starting a healthy life.

Calculate Body Mass Index

The main step to starting a healthy life properly is to calculate the body mass index (BMI). The purpose of this calculation is to know the proportion of your body, whether ideal, less than ideal, have excess body weight, or obesity. That way, you can also find out the risk of threatening diseases.

The way to calculate it is the weight (in kilograms), divided by the height of the body (in meters), and then named.

For Asian races, if the results obtained between 18.5-22.9, it shows the proportion of ideal body and drinks risk of uncontagious disease. If the number above it, means you have excess weight or obesity, while the bottom of the figure means less weight.

Measure abdominal circumference

Similarly to BMI, abdominal circumference measurement aims to determine the risk of untransmitted diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol, heart attack, and stroke. 

Ideally, the male belly circumference is below 90 cm, while in women under 80 cm. If the result is above that number, the risk of disease increases.

Proper diet pattern

This type of diet does exist a lot. However, the most appropriate dietary pattern is implementing a complete balanced nutritional diet. This means that your daily diet should be nutritious (fulfilling carbohydrate, protein, fat, fiber, mineral, and vitamin needs) and balanced (no more or less).

The source of carbohydrates is rice, potatoes, or bread; Protein from fish, red meat and white meat, eggs, or milk; Whereas fat sources can be from olive oil, canola oil, and nuts. Vitamins and minerals can be obtained from fruits and vegetables.

When the BMI results and the abdominal circumference are known, the diet can be adjusted.

Regular exercise

In many people, getting started for regular exercise can be felt very difficult. Keburu tired, no time, no exercise friends, confused what sports — all of which could be an excuse for someone to be lazy or inconsistent in exercising.

The recommended exercise is the type of aerobics such as running, swimming, cycling, football, or gymnastics.

Within a week, it is advisable to exercise 3-5 times, with a total duration of 150 minutes (e.g. five times a week for 30 minutes each session).

Combinations of exercise are also allowed, e.g., lifting weights to increase muscle mass.

Again, if the BMI is known, the exercise intensity can be adjusted.

Manage Habits

Bad habits such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and lack of rest should be discontinued as it may increase the risk of uncontagious diseases.

Also, the ability to manage stress well is important for maintaining health. Remember, the health of the mind can affect the body, as well as vice versa.

Check your health periodically

When it enters the age of 40 years, the aging process already occurs and check routine health is advised. Although it does not experience any symptoms, regular health checks such as measuring blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, uric acid, and others can be done as an early detection step.

When examined, actually starting a healthy lifestyle is not difficult, live how you can continue to motivate yourself and consistently do it. Rather than regret it later, let's turn the determination, set goals, and if necessary to invite a couple or another family member. Because you can remind and encourage each other, you will soon be accustomed to this life pattern. If it has been so, healthy continues until old is not impossible.

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