Very rare, know this Dracula disease

Hear the word Dracula, for sure you instantly minded blood-sucking creatures. There is a Dracula disease. Like what, yes, that healthy disorder?

You may be familiar with the Dracula figure. The creepy figure in the film always avoids the sunlight during the day. It is similar to the symptoms of porphyria or called Dracula disease. Let's find out more about this one disease!

Very rare, know this Dracula disease | GOLELY

Dracule disease, a rare genetic disorder

Dracula disease is a rare genetic disorder. This disease disrupts the production of red blood cells, namely heme, and Porfirin.

Porphyrins are used by the body for the formation of hemoglobin, which is a type of protein in red blood cells that bind to iron and porphyrins. This compound also assists the delivery of oxygen in the body.

When Porphysine substances can not form hemoglobin, the number of porphyrins will increase. This will lead to problems of granules or porphyria disease.

Types and symptoms of Dracula disease

Quoted from the Mayo Clinic, Dracula disease is distinguished into two types, namely acute porphyria and skin porphyria. Some of the symptoms of each of these types of Dracula diseases are as follows.

1. Acute porphyria 

Usually, causes symptoms in the nervous system that appear quickly and can be severe. Symptoms can last for days to weeks. This disease usually improves slowly after the attack. The symptoms are as follows.

  • Severe abdominal pain.
  • Pain in the chest, legs or back.
  • Constipation or diarrhea.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Muscle aches, tingling, numbness, weakness, or paralysis.
  • Red or tanned Urine.
  • Mental changes, such as anxiety, confusion, hallucinations, disorientation or paranoia.
  • Convulsions.
  • Respiratory problems

2. Porphyria Skin 

This disease causes skin disorders due to the sensitivity to sunlight. However, it usually does not affect the nervous system. This occurs as a result of exposure to sunlight. Those of you who experience it will feel some of the following symptoms. 

  • Sensitivity to sunlight, causing burning pain
  • Sudden painful skin redness and swelling 
  • Blisters on exposed skin, usually hands, arms, and face
  • Fragile thin skin with skin discoloration (pigment)
  • Itching
  • Excessive hair growth in the affected area
  • Red or tanned Urine

Although the cause of the Dracula disease itself can not be identified, genetic disorders are believed to have an important role.

Also, if you have genetic factors of the Dracula disease in the family, some things should be avoided so that the disease is not worse, namely: 

  • Exposed to sun exposure
  • Certain types of medicines
  • Strict diet or fasting
  • Smoking
  • Experiencing physical stress (illness or infection) and emotional stress
  • Alcohol consumption

How to overcome Dracule disease

One of the things that can be done in handling porphyria is to avoid triggering attacks. For example, by not taking medications that trigger attacks, refrain from alcohol and cigarettes, and minimize sun exposure.

In the case of acute porphyria, a heme-shaped drug can be consumed to reduce the production of porphyrins in the body. Likewise, with the administration of glucose to ensure adequate intake of carbohydrates. If there are certain symptoms, such as severe pain, vomiting, and dehydration, the sufferer may require hospitalization.

Despite causing a line of health disorders, Dracula disease does not turn off. When left out, the symptoms can make a person lose life. 

When the oxygen supply is not dispersed in the blood vessels, the heart will not work properly. This makes the heart so pounding, and risky to experience heart failure.

If you find yourself suffering from a Dracula's disease, immediately consult a doctor. This is the most appropriate step before the condition gets worse. Remember, the earlier you have checked this, the quicker the prevention is also possible.