When is the best time to drink milk when consuming drugs?

Is it permissible to drink milk in conjunction with taking medicines? Check out the following facts.

When the body is sick, taking the drug is one way to restore the body condition.

However, a lot of info is circulating in the community that consuming the drug should not coincide with certain foods or beverages, one of which is milk.

What happens when consuming the drug at the same time as drinking milk? Calcium in milk will bind the medicinal benefits to prevent medicinal efficacy that should be absorbed by the body.

When is the best time to drink milk when consuming drugs? | GOLELY

Also, the drug can alter the body's performance in absorbing nutrients from food.

When you take medication, the body takes time to dissolve and then spread through the bloodstream so that the effect can heal the sick part.

If the drug you are drinking meets calcium from the milk then the process of absorption of the drug will be interrupted, thereby losing its effectiveness. If you are taking medication with milk, then the effect of the drug will disappear because it is neutralized by milk.

The best time to drink medication after drinking milk

When is the right time to drink milk after taking the medicine? To eliminate the negative effects of milk that inhibit the absorption of the drug, give at least 2 hours before you take the drug.

The distance of taking the drug and milk will make the stomach digest the food that first comes in, so you do not get side effects due to drug and dairy interactions.

Even so, until now there has been no research showing what the reaction of the drug is exposed to milk in the gastrointestinal tract. Of course, the reaction will vary, given that each medication is made of different ingredients.

The thing that is concerned is the reaction of taking the drug after drinking milk can cause decreased drug ability in overcoming disease or even cause other health problems.

So, what about coffee, tea or juice? Just like milk, coffee, tea, and juice have a variety of compounds, such as caffeine in coffee that could affect the absorption of the drug.

Therefore, consider first with a doctor about the effect of the drug when consumed along with certain foods.

Taking the medication with mineral water is the best way. Because water does not have compounds that could interfere with the absorption of drugs.

From now on, avoid taking the drug after drinking milk or drinking milk after taking the medication. If it does, adjust the distance of taking the drug and milk so that there is no adverse reaction to the body.