Beware of Previa placenta symptoms and risk factors

Often contracted and spots when pregnant? Be vigilant, lest it is one of the symptoms of placenta previa! Find out more here.

There are many problems that a woman might face during their pregnancy. Ranging from mild to quite heavy and potentially disturbing the health of mothers and fetuses in the womb. Of the many health disorders, placenta previa one that should not be crossed. What are the different symptoms of placenta previa that must be considered?

Beware of Previa placenta symptoms and risk factors | GOLELY

Introduction to the Previa placenta

The placenta is a structure that regulates the flow of oxygen and nutrients from mothers to infants through a central cord. This placenta is a role in removing the remaining metabolism of infants.

Normally, the placenta will evolve and cling to the upper part of the uterus. This part is the safest, minimal risk area, and away from the baby's birth path. After the baby has been born, then about 15 minutes later the new placenta will be born.

However, under certain conditions, the placenta may grow in other areas. For example at the bottom of the uterus or even shut the baby's birth path. This condition is called placenta previa. 

Placenta previa can be very dangerous because it increases the risk of bleeding in the period of pregnancy until delivery. In a fairly heavy condition, the Previa placenta can even threaten the life of the mother and the fetus.

A mother who is experiencing a placenta previa is generally recommended not to perform activities that can trigger uterine contractions. For example, sexual intercourse, vaginal washing, or even exercising.

Childbirth in pregnant women with placenta previa is generally done by the method of cesarean section. This is done to avoid the risk of great bleeding due to the opening of birth roads.

Risk Factors of placenta previa

Although it can be experienced by any pregnant mother, some people have a higher risk of having a placenta previa. Some of these risk factors are as follows:
  • Mother's age is over 35 years old
  • Been pregnant before
  • Has a history of Caesar's surgery in previous pregnancies
  • Has a history of surgery on the uterus
  • Pregnancy is a twin pregnancy

Based on the data, 1 in 200 pregnant women diagnosed placenta previa in the last trimester of their pregnancy. Therefore, pregnant women are expected to conduct an ultrasound examination upon entering this trimester. 

Symptoms of placenta previa

Bleeding in pregnancy is a major symptom commonly experienced by a mother with a placenta previa. 

Also, a sign that can also be an indication of the presence of a placenta previa is a contraction that is very disturbing. This contraction is usually accompanied by the discharge of blood spots or spots. The contractions and spots will be given when the mother performs excess physical activity. 

Although impressed, some cases of placenta previa can take place without much disturbing pregnancy. This condition can occur especially if the placenta is not a total closing of the path of birth and is detected since early pregnancy.

As the gestational age grows and the size of the uterus, the placenta that is initially located below can shift upward. 

However, this is quite different when the placenta develops the total of the birth road. This condition will generally settle until the end of pregnancy and potentially pose various complaints.

Detecting as early as possible symptoms of placenta previa is key to maintain a healthy pregnancy until childbirth. To detect this condition, you are expected to perform an ultrasound examination at least once when the pregnancy enters the second trimester. Expectant mothers should also always be checked in when the natural contractions are very disruptive or spot suddenly.

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